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Gary Lee Webber

The Story Continues

June 4, 2017

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Join us this Sunday for the conclusion of the Gospel of John. For the past three years, we have walked with the Disciple Jesus Loved as he followed Jesus from the Sea of Galilee to the grave and beyond. In this final message, Pastor Gary Webber explains why the world cannot contain the books that could be written about all the things Jesus has done and continues to do.

Passage (read it):

Principle (know it):

A Disciple Jesus Loves:

  1. Maintains Focus (John 21:18-22)
    - We lose focus when we:
    -- Play the comparison game
    -- Forget Whom we called to follow
  2. Perseveres to the End (John 21:22 -23)
  3. Leaves a Legacy (John 21:24-25)

Practice (do it):

How can the WORD come alive in you?

  1. You can show up.
  2. You can volunteer.
  3. You can give.
  4. You can go.