Straws, Hoses, and Ghostwriters
September 18, 2022
“What is God’s will for my life?” This question has occurred to most people at some point in their lives. But what if that is the wrong question? What if, while pursuing God’s will for “my life,” we have missed the more significant thing God is doing? Join us for a message from John 15, where we will learn the difference between straws and garden hoses and how ghostwriters might be the key to understanding God’s will.
John 15:1-11
Four Metaphors from John 15:
1. The True Vine: __________
2. The Vinedresser: ______
3. The Branches: ____
4. The Fruit: _______________________________
Three Conditions for getting whatever you ask of God:
1. “If you ____________ in me.”
2. “If … my word ______________ in you.”
3. “If … you bear __________,”
Knowing and doing the will of God requires __________ __________________ to Jesus Christ.
Stop ______________ and start ______________.
Small Group Questions
Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.
- On a scale of 1-10 (one being disconnected and ten being fully connected), how connected are you to God and His will? Is that more or less than this time last year? If there is a difference, what brought it about?
Read John 15:1-5.
Abiding in Jesus means living with increasing dependence on and surrender to Him. This isn’t just a spiritual concept; it’s a spiritual discipline that requires practice.
- In your experience, what spiritual habits have kept you most connected to Jesus throughout your day and week?
- What two reasons does Jesus give for pruning? Can you think of an example of when you’ve experienced pruning? Which type was it? How did God use it in your life?
- Why is abiding in Jesus particularly difficult yet vitally important following a season of pruning?
Read John 15:6-11
- What is the difference between a pruned branch and a branch thrown into the fire?
- Did you have a “sacred rhythm” of daily/weekly/monthly spiritual habits that helped you abide in Jesus? If so, what are they? What has been most helpful?
- What will you commit to this week to increase your dependence on and surrender to Jesus
As we prepare to kick off our next discipleship series, Experiencing God, we invite everyone to make three commitments. First, attend worship at Aspire every week. Second, participate in a small group, and third, use The Seven Realities of Experiencing God for your daily quiet time.
- Based on John 15, how important is it to know and do the will of God? Is it possible to know and do the will of God without abiding in Him? Why or why not?
- What most excites you about focusing on knowing and doing God’s will over the next eight weeks? What is most concerning?
- Are you willing to say “yes” to God before clearly understanding His will? Why or why not?
HUDDLE (making it personal and praying together - in huddles)
- Describe when you felt most certain that you were living according to God’s will. If that time is not right now, what has changed? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.
Daily Readings
This week’s daily reading will focus on John 15 and other passages where the Bible uses vines and fruit as examples of our relationship with God. As you read, invite the Holy Spirit to reveal how you can remain in the Vine and bear fruit this week.
- Day 1: John 15
- Day 2: Isaiah 5
- Day 3: Matthew 21
- Day 4: Psalm 80
- Day 5: Galatians 5
- Day 6: Matthew 13
- Day 7: Psalm 1
Think Deeper
- Do you believe it’s possible to know God’s will? Why or why not?
- Describe a time in your life when you felt most certain that you were doing God’s will.
- How do you know when you are doing God’s will? How do you know when you are outside of God’s will?
Suggested Resources
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
Invitation to a Journey by Robert Mulholland
Check out these and other suggested books at