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Gary Lee Webber

When We Were Beautiful

August 18, 2024

There is a thin line between the beautiful and the ugly. In the shadows of the world’s most beautiful places lies the ugliness of poverty and disease. We long for what is beautiful but are constantly confronted with the ugliness of war, famine, betrayal, and brokenness. How do we reconcile the world's ugliness with a divine longing for beauty? Join us for Part 3 of Summer Psalms Mixtape Volume III, where we will learn how God trades His beauty for the ashes of our sins.

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Psalm 27

The ##Ugliness## of the ##World##

The ##Beauty## of the ##Lord##

The ##Coming## ##Transformation##

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Have you ever attended a court trial? What emotions did you experience as you attended that trial? God is often described as a righteous judge. What does that mean? Should that image be comforting or disturbing?


Read Psalm 26:1-2

  • What two things is the Psalmist asking God to do? On what basis does the Psalmist make these requests?
  • What does it mean to be vindicated and proven? Have you ever felt the need to be vindicated?
  • How confident would you need to be to invite God to test your heart and mind?

Read Psalm 26:3-7

  • What does the Psalmist do, and what does he avoid?
  • How do you maintain your focus on God throughout the week? Are there things you avoid to keep your focus on the Lord?
  • What will you do this week to keep the steadfast love of God before your eyes?

Read Psalm 26:8-12

  • To what was the Psalmist referring when he said, “the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells”? What is the New Testament fulfillment of this reference?
  • The Psalmist claims he will walk in integrity but still calls on God to redeem and be gracious to him. Is our integrity enough to redeem us? If not, why does our integrity matter?
  • What is your “level ground”? How important is gathering with “the great assembly” to maintaining your focus on God?


Could you confidently invite God to test your heart and mind? If not, what changes will you make this week to align yourself with God and His ways? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Psalm 1
  • Day 2: Psalm 15
  • Day 3: Psalm 23
  • Day 4: Psalm 26
  • Day 5: Psalm 27
  • Day 6: Psalm 28
  • Day 7: John 4

Think Deeper

  1. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
  2. Do you perceive God as useful or beautiful?
  3. Are you gazing upon the things of this world or the beauty of the Lord?

Suggested Resources

Reflections on the Psalms, by C. S. Lewis

The Songs of Jesus, by Tim Keller

Psalms (Kinder Classic Commentaries), by Derek Kinder

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB