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Gary Lee Webber

Long Way Home

August 25, 2024

Serious hikers appreciate the challenge of the journey. They understand that arriving at the destination is made all the sweeter because of the difficulties of the hike. The finish line of a marathon is only special to those who run the race. Join us for part 4 of Summer Psalms Mixtape Vol. III, where we will see how the beauty of our Savior eclipses the trials of this life.

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Psalm 84

A ##Distant## Home (Psalm 84:1-4)

A ##Difficult## Journey (Psalm 84:5-7)

A ##Definite## Hope (Psalm 84:8-12)  

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Do you talk to yourself? How does that conversation typically go? What is the difference between talking to yourself and hearing from God?


Read Psalm 42:1-5

  • Describe a time when you were desperately thirsty. Can our souls be thirsty? Compare and contrast physical and spiritual thirst. Which is more dangerous?
  • Have you ever experienced a thirst for God? What did you do in response? What does the Psalmist do in response to his thirst?
  • Do you know when your soul is thirsty? How? Do you ever talk to your soul?

Read Psalm 42:6-11

  • What does the Psalmist do in response to his soul being downcast? What should you remember when your soul is downcast?
  • Have you ever experienced the roar of a waterfall? If so, describe that experience. How does that relate to what the Psalmist is saying?
  • What do you notice about the Psalmist’s prayer in verses 9-10? Are your prayers this honest? Why or why not?

Read Psalm 43:1-5

  • What is the Psalmist’s direct request of God? What is his question at the end of verse 2? Is he asking this of God or himself?
  • Would your prayer life be best described as a monologue or a dialogue? Which word describes Psalms 42 and 43?
  • What will you do this week to model your prayers after Psalms 42 and 43?


How do you satisfy your thirsty soul? Has your soul’s thirst driven you to unhealthy habits? How authentic is your prayer life? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Psalm 84
  • Day 2: Isaiah 40
  • Day 3: Matthew 8
  • Day 4: Malachi 4
  • Day 5: Psalm 42
  • Day 6: Psalm 43
  • Day 7: John 4

Think Deeper

  1. When was the last time you had a longing for home?
  2. Has someone else’s difficult journey paved the way for you to pass through your own valley?
  3. How is focusing on the beauty of Christ helping you on your journey through life?

Suggested Resources

Reflections on the Psalms, by C. S. Lewis

The Songs of Jesus, by Tim Keller

Psalms (Kinder Classic Commentaries), by Derek Kinder

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB