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Chris Underwood

The Missionary Psalm

August 4, 2024

Aspire Church is delighted to welcome the Underwoods home! The Underwoods serve the IMB in Europe, where they share the hope of the Gospel with people from all over the world. Today, we are pleased to hear from Chris as he shares the Missionary Psalm (Psalm 67) to kick off our annual Summer Psalms Mixtape series.

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Psalm 67


God’s blessings in your life and his salvation of your soul have a purpose; so that through you, others might also experience God’s grace in their lives.


Live an enriched life as you tell others about God’s grace, and flourish in your God-given purpose.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


What is the most valuable thing anyone has ever left in your care? How did the fact that you did not “own” that thing affect you? What is the most valuable thing you’ve ever left in the care of someone else? Why did you choose that person to care for that thing?


Read Psalm 24:1-2

  • What does it mean that the earth is the Lord’s? Does that include everything and every place on the earth? Does that include what you claim to own?  
  • If God owns it all, what is our role and responsibility? (Read Genesis 1:26-31)
  • What does it mean to have “dominion over” the earth? What does it mean to steward? How good are you at stewarding what God has entrusted to you?

Read Psalm 24:3-6

  • What is the hill of the Lord (His holy place)? Who does the Psalmist say can ascend to that place? Has anyone ever met those qualifications? If so, who?
  • Read John 12:27-36. How does this passage point to Jesus as the uniquely qualified person described in Psalm 24? When people thought of a king being enthroned, do you think this is what they had in mind?

Read Psalm 24:7-10

  • What does the Psalmist ask the “gates” to do and why?
  • Read John 3:13-15. Who is the only one who ascends to heaven? What is the relevance of Moses and the serpent to what Jesus is saying (see Numbers 21:6-9)?
  • Read Revelation 3:20 and John 14:6. What do these verses reveal about the fulfillment of Psalm 24:7-10?
  • How does being a faithful witness of the Gospel make us faithful stewards of God’s creation?


Is the gate of your heart currently open to Jesus? What do you need to do this week to lift up your head and refocus your gaze on the King of Glory? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Psalm 2
  • Day 2: Psalm 9
  • Day 3: Psalm 24
  • Day 4: Psalm 67
  • Day 5: Psalm 78
  • Day 6: Psalm 96
  • Day 7: Psalm 117

Think Deeper

  1. When have you felt God’s light shine upon you? Why does God shine His light on and show favor to His people?
  2. Why should God’s judgment make the nations rejoice?
  3. How are you engaged with the nations to reveal the glory of the Lord?

Suggested Resources

Reflections on the Psalms, by C. S. Lewis

The Songs of Jesus, by Tim Keller

Psalms (Kinder Classic Commentaries), by Derek Kinder

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB