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Gary Lee Webber

The God Who Hears

July 14, 2024

There is an art to listening, and people who do it well offer a precious gift to those blessed to engage in a conversation with them. Most people talk to be heard, but some seek to listen and understand first. Prayer, in its most basic form, is a conversation with God. But perhaps you’ve wondered if your prayers are one-sided conversations. Join us for part 5 of The Pursuit of God, where we will learn about the God who hears and responds to our cries for help.

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Genesis 21


God ##hears## the cries of the ##outcast##.

God ##opens## the eyes of the ##desperate##.

God ##redeems## the future of the ##fallen##.


##Trust## in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own ##understanding##. In all your ways, ##acknowledge## Him, and He will make your path straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.


Have you ever experienced a situation when someone stood up for you, advocating on your behalf? What happened because of their actions? How did you feel about that situation? Have you ever advocated for someone else? Why did you do it?


Read Genesis 18:16-19

  • What did Abraham do to put himself in a position to learn of God’s plans? (V. 16)
  • Why did God choose to reveal His plan to Abraham? (vs. 18-19)
  • Based on this passage, why is a consistent walk with the Lord important? Describe a time God spoke to you during your walk with Him.

Read Genesis 18:20-33

  • What was Abraham’s response to God’s revelation? (vs. 22-23) Why did he respond this way?
  • What does Abraham’s negotiation with God reveal about Abraham? What does it reveal about God? Is it appropriate to negotiate with God? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever negotiated with God? If so, why, and what was the outcome?

Read Matthew 7:7-12; John 15:7; 2 Peter 3:9

  • How do these verses relate to Genesis 18?
  • Some use these verses to justify a “name it, claim it” theology. Why is that a mistake?
  • How do these verses challenge your prayer life?
  • Are you interceding with God for anyone right now?


Do you have any unanswered prayers? How are those unanswered prayers affecting your relationship with God? What are you learning during this time of waiting? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Genesis 18
  • Day 2: Genesis 20
  • Day 3: Genesis 21
  • Day 4: Ephesians 4
  • Day 5: Proverbs 3
  • Day 6: Psalm 34
  • Day 7: Psalm 40

Think Deeper

  1. Have you ever wanted something and then despised it once you had it?
  2. How confident are you that God hears you when you pray?
  3. Has God ever delivered you from a desperate situation?

Suggested Reading

The Patriarchs, by Beth Moore

The Patriarchs, by Stephen Davey

Abraham, by Charles Swindoll

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.