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Gary Lee Webber

Father Abraham

June 16, 2024

There is a Chinese proverb that says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” The same can be said about our pursuit of God. A single act of faith is the key to finding God, His purpose, and His ways. Join us for a series from Genesis 11-25 about Abraham and Isaac and how their pursuit of God reminds us that those who seek God will find Him when they seek Him with all their hearts.

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Genesis 11:27 – 12:8


You cannot ##stay## where you are and ##go## with God.

  1. Going with God requires leaving behind the ##idols## of your ##ancestors##.
  2. Going with God requires obedience that will be costly to ##you## and those ##around## ##you##.
  3. Going with God requires faith to see beyond your ##present## ##circumstances##.


Identify and take your next ##step## of ##Faith##.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. What is the purpose of fear? Why is fear necessary? What is the relationship between fear and faith?


Read Genesis 12:10-13

  • What caused Abram to go to Egypt? Where had God called Abram to go? (see Genesis 12:1 & 6) Do you think God led Abram to go to Egypt? Why or why not?
  • What was Abram afraid would happen in Egypt? What was his plan to keep this from happening?
  • Has fear ever caused you to deviate from God’s plan? What happened?

Read Genesis 12:14-16

  • How do these verses prove that Abram was right? How did Abram benefit because of his deception?
  • What did this decision mean for Sarai?  
  • Fear often leads people to selfish acts of self-preservation. Have you ever suffered because someone else was fearful for their own well-being?

Read Genesis 12:17-20

  • What are the first three words of verse 17 in the ESV? What are the last five words of verse 17? On whose behalf was God acting? What does this verse reveal about God? Have you ever had a “But the Lord” moment?  
  • How did Abram’s lack of faith endanger Sarai? How did it endanger Pharaoh? What was Pharaoh’s reaction?
  • What would have happened if Abram had trusted God to provide during the famine rather than fleeing to Egypt? What do you think Abram learned from this experience?  


Is fear causing you to move outside of God’s plan for you? Has your fear put other people in danger? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Genesis 10
  • Day 2: Genesis 11
  • Day 3: Genesis 12
  • Day 4: John 8
  • Day 5: Romans 4
  • Day 6: Galatians 3
  • Day 7: Hebrews 11

Think Deeper

  1. What was the last thing you know for certain God called you to do? Have you done it?
  2. Have you ever settled for less than God wanted for you?
  3. When has your obedience to God been costly to those you love?

Suggested Reading

The Patriarchs, by Beth Moore

The Patriarchs, by Stephen Davey

Abraham, by Charles Swindoll

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.