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Gary Lee Webber

As For Sarai

July 7, 2024

Have you ever reached your limit? Maybe it was an issue of physical stamina or mental ability. Perhaps it was a financial limit or a matter of not having enough time. Every human has their limit, and we are frequently tempted to project those limitations on God. Join us for part 4 of The Pursuit of God, where we will learn that God’s power is perfected in human weakness.

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Genesis 17:1-7 & 15-27


God’s ##power## is perfected in human ##weakness##.

God is not ##limited## by our ##limitations##.

God is not ##limited## by the limitations of ##those## ##around## ##us##.  

God is not ##limited## by the limitations others ##place## ##on## ##Him## (or on ##you## ).


Identify your greatest ##weakness## and invite God to use it for His ##glory## and your ##good##.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Describe the last time you found yourself in an impossible situation. Have you ever experienced God do something you previously thought was impossible?


Read Genesis 18:1-8

  • Who does the writer say appeared to Abraham (vs. 1)? How do you explain the change from the singular expression in verse one to the plural reference in verse two and following?
  • Read Genesis 1:26 & 27 and John 14:8-11. How might these passages help explain Abraham’s experience?  
  • How would you respond to someone who said that the word “trinity” does not appear in the Bible?

Read Genesis 18:9-15

  • What was Sarah’s response to the visitors’ news? Was her reaction justified? Why or why not?
  • What question did the visitors ask Sarah in verse 14?  
  • Read Luke 1:30-37. What do these passages have in common?

Read Jer. 32:17 & 27; Matt. 19:26; Job 42:2; Mark 10:27; Phil. 4:13

  • What did you feel as you read or heard these verses?
  • Why do you think this is repeated so frequently throughout the Scriptures?


Are you currently facing an impossible situation? How is this situation affecting your faith in the God of the impossible? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Genesis 17
  • Day 2: Genesis 18
  • Day 3: 1 Corinthians 1
  • Day 4: 2 Corinthians 12
  • Day 5: Luke 1
  • Day 6: Jeremiah 32
  • Day 7: Matthew 19

Think Deeper

  1. What personal limitation do you face that God might use to reveal His power in your weakness?
  2. Are you using the limitation of someone else as an excuse for God?
  3. Have you allowed someone else to use your limitations as an excuse for God?

Suggested Reading

The Patriarchs, by Beth Moore

The Patriarchs, by Stephen Davey

Abraham, by Charles Swindoll

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.