What is the Soul?
January 7, 2024
A recent study found that the average American spent $722 on health and beauty products and services in 2023, with Gen Zers spending more than double that at $1,754. While our society pursues eternal youth and beauty, another part of our human being goes largely ignored – our souls. The evidence of this oversight is obvious when you consider the growing mental health crisis we are facing in America. Join us for a six-week series exploring what the Bible says about caring for the most important and only eternal part of you – your soul.
Mark 4:3-20
What is the Soul?
You are not just a ##self##; you are a ##soul##.
Your soul is the ##most## ##valuable## part of you.
Four Conditions of the Soul
The ##Hardened## Soul (Mark 4:3-4 & 14-15)
The ##Shallow## Soul (Mark 4:5-6 & 16-17)
The ##Cluttered## Soul (Mark 4:7 & 18-19)
The ##Healthy## Soul (Mark 4:8 & 20)
Prioritize the ##care## and ##feeding## of your ##soul## in 2024.
Small Group Questions
Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples’ or family devotion, or with a small group.
What distinguishes humans from other living things? What does it mean to be made in God’s image?
Three Parts of a human:
- Read 1 Thessalonians 5:23. What is Paul’s prayer? What three parts of a human are mentioned in this verse? Why might Paul have specifically mentioned all three?
- Read Hebrews 4:12. It is easy to differentiate the body, but what does this verse suggest about the soul and spirit? How would you define the difference between your soul and spirit?
The Soul
- Read Matthew 10:28, Ezekiel 18:4 (ESV), and Matthew 16:26. What do these verses teach us about the soul?
- According to John Ortberg, your soul is what integrates your will (your intentions), your mind (your thoughts and feelings, your values and conscience), and your body (your face, body language, and actions) into a single life. Do you think this idea aligns with the Bible?
- Read Luke 1:46-47 in the ESV. What does Mary say about her soul? How did Mary magnify the Lord through her will, mind, and body? How can your soul magnify the Lord?
The Spirit
- Read Proverbs 20:27, John 4:24, and Romans 8:16. What do these verses teach us about the spirit?
- Colin Smith says that “your soul speaks of your inner life in relation to your own experience: your mind, heart, will, and imagination. It also includes your thoughts, desires, passions, and dreams. But your spirit speaks of the same inner life in relation to God: your faith, hope, love, character, and perseverance.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Read Romans 8:3-11. What does this passage teach us about the Spirit? What does it mean to live according to the Spirit? How can you live according to the Spirit this week? What effect does life in the Spirit have on the human soul?
How would you describe the current condition of your soul? How do you feed and care for your soul? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.
Daily Reading
This week’s reading plan focuses on the human soul. As you read, ask God to reveal the condition of your soul.
- Day 1: Genesis 1-2
- Day 2: Genesis 3
- Day 3: Psalm 6
- Day 4: Psalm 146
- Day 5: Matthew 10
- Day 6: Romans 6-7
- Day 7: Romans 8
Think Deeper
- How would you describe the human soul?
- What is the current condition of your soul?
- What will you do this week to feed and care for your soul?
Suggested Reading
Soul Keeping, by John Ortberg
The Divine Conspiracy, by Dallas Willard
Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.