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Gary Lee Webber

The Gap is Wide

October 20, 2024

There is a gap between how things should be and how things are. We can see gaps in everything from local politics to global economics. When we hear of a hungry child or a homeless veteran, we know a gap exists. When a marriage ends or a respected leader has a moral failure, we see the consequences of the gap. How did it get this way? Join us for part one of Bridge the Gap, where we will explore the origin of the gap and the only hope for overcoming it.

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Genesis 3


##Sin## separates us from God and creates ##gaps## in our ##souls##, ##relationships##, and ##world##.

  1. The root of sin is ##self##-##determination##.
  1. The fruit of sin is ##separation##.
  1. Only ##God## can ##bridge## the ##gap## of my ##sin##.


Identify your ##gaps## and begin praying for God to ##bridge## them.

  1. The gap in my thinking:

[A fear, prejudice, lie, or way of thinking that doesn’t align with the mind of Christ]

  1. The gap in my heart:

[A feeling, emotion, or relationship that doesn’t align with the heart of Christ]

  1. The gap in my actions:

[An action or inaction that isn’t aligned with the example of Christ]

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


What do we mean when we describe something as a “slippery slope”? Have you ever been on a slippery slope? How did you stop the slide?  


Read Romans 1:18-23

  • Upon whom is God’s wrath directed and why? Why are they without excuse?  
  • People prefer to think about God’s love rather than His wrath, but why is love impossible without wrath?
  • Can you describe and offer examples of futile thinking, a darkened heart, foolishness masquerading as wisdom, and exchanging the glory of the immortal God for a mortal being? Have any of those phrases ever described you?  

Read Romans 1:24-32

  • What does it mean to be “given over” to something? What did God give them over to? What does this tell you about the human heart? Have you ever been given over to sin? What happened as a result?
  • What do you observe about the list of sins Paul included in this passage? What does the contemporary controversy about this passage say about our culture today?
  • Verse 32 concludes by describing what the church fathers call the “Sin of Scandal.” What is the sin of scandal, and why is it the logical outcome of everything we’ve read up to this point?

Read Romans 3:21-31

  • According to Romans 3:23, who is Paul describing in Romans chapter 1?  
  • Why is it important not to separate verse 24 from verse 23?
  • What does it mean to be justified? How does Paul say we are justified?  


Are you currently being “given over” to sin? What will you do this week to repent of that sin and turn back to God? Who do you know that needs to hear about the redemption God has offered through Jesus Christ? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.


Genesis 1-2

Thank God for the goodness of His creation and design. Thank Him that we have been formed in His image and given a purpose in His grand design.


Genesis 3

Ask God to reveal any rebellion in your heart and mind. Repent and ask for His forgiveness. Thank God for the sacrifice He made to cover our sins.


Romans 1:1-17

Pray for the members of Aspire Church and ask God to speak to every person participating in the Bridge Initiative. Invite the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see our city through His eyes.


Romans 1:18-32

Pray for a spirit of repentance among the people of Aspire Church. Ask God to turn our hearts and minds back to Him.


Romans 3

Thank God for bridging the gap of our sin through the blood of His Son, Jesus. Thank God for His grace, and pray by name for those you know who have not received the grace of Jesus.  

Other Sermons in this Series

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