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Gary Lee Webber

A Bridge to the City

November 3, 2024

Nehemiah lived comfortably in a king's palace when he received word that his hometown was in ruins. It would have been easy for him to ignore the problem or make excuses about why it wasn’t his responsibility. Nehemiah did neither. Instead, he stood in the gap on behalf of the city of Jerusalem, rebuilding its walls and allowing God to use him to bless the city. Join us for part 3 of Bridge the Gap, where we will see how building a bridge to the city requires passion, courage, and a God-sized vision.

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Nehemiah 2:1-8


Building a bridge to the city will require ##passion##, ##courage##, and a God-sized ##vision##.


##Determine## how you will bridge a gap to the city.

  1. Identify your ##holy## ##discontent##

[What breaks your heart that also breaks the heart of God?]

  1. Seek God’s ##direction##.

[What would faith in action look like?]  

  1. Make your ##plan## and take your ##place## on the ##wall##.

[What will you do next?]

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Is there a difference between taking blame and taking responsibility? If so, what is it?  


Nehemiah bridged the gap by taking personal responsibility.

  • Read Nehemiah 1:5-11. What was the first thing Nehemiah asked of God after hearing about the condition of the wall in Jerusalem? Why was this first? What reminders did Nehemiah offer God?  
  • How did Nehemiah take personal responsibility? How important is it for Jesus’ followers to take responsibility for the condition of their community, city, and nation?
  • What was Nehemiah’s final request in this prayer? Why was it last and so brief compared to the rest of his prayer?  

Nehemiah bridged the gap by being generous.

  • Read Nehemiah 5:1-8. What problem did Nehemiah face? How did he respond? Could Nehemiah have succeeded in building the wall without addressing this issue? Why or why not? What might have happened if he had ignored the problem?
  • Read Nehemiah 5:14-19. How did Nehemiah take personal responsibility for the challenges building the wall created? Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What does Nehemiah’s generosity say about what he treasured? How is God challenging you to be personally invested in the Bridge Initiative?

Nehemiah bridged the gap by remaining focused.

  • Read Nehemiah 4:1-6. How did Nehemiah respond to the outside challenges that resulted from his obedience to rebuild the wall? Does obedience to God’s call guarantee that we will not face opposition? When did you last face opposition because of your obedience to God?
  • Read Nehemiah 6:1-4. How did Nehemiah react to his enemy’s attempt to distract him? What distracts you from pursuing God’s call? What must you do to remain focused on the mission God has given you?


Is there a situation God is calling you to take responsibility for? What will it cost you to stand in the gap of that situation? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.

Reading Plan + Prayer Guide


Nehemiah 1 & 2

Ask God to break your heart for the things that break His. Invite the Holy Spirit to stir a holy discontent within you and in the hearts of every member of Aspire Church.


Nehemiah 3

Pray for God to raise a person or family from every multi-unit housing development within one mile of Aspire who would be willing to partner with us to reach their neighbors with the Gospel.  


Nehemiah 4 & 5

Ask God to protect you and His church from any diversion that would distract us from His mission. Pray for the faith to stay the course as we seek to build a bridge to the city.


Nehemiah 6 & 7

Ask God to deliver us from all evil. Pray for the spiritual protection of Aspire’s leaders and every member of our congregation. Thank God for being our ever-present help in times of trouble.


Nehemiah 8 & 9

Pray for a renewed commitment to God’s Word among the people of Aspire. Ask God to convict you of any unknown or forgotten sin. Thank Him for the blood of Jesus that washes away our sins, removing them as far as the East is from the West.