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Gary Lee Webber

No More Sea

November 24, 2024

When Jesus prayed, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven,” He wasn’t merely teaching us how to pray. He was giving us a mission and vision for how to live. The church has stood in the gap between heaven and earth for over two thousand years. While the gap seems to grow wider, we live with the hope that one day, Jesus’ prayer will finally be answered. Join us for week six of Bridge the Gap, where we will see a picture of a world without gaps.

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Revelation 21:1-8, 22-26 & Revelation 22:1-5


The ##Church## is called to stand in the gap between ##heaven## and ##earth##.

  1. The Gap Between ##Heaven## and ##Earth##. (Rev. 21:1-2)
  2. The Gap Between ##God## and ##Man##. (Rev. 21:3-26)
  3. The Gap Between the ##Peoples## of the ##Earth##. (Rev. 22:1-5)


##Bridge## the ##gaps##.

  1. Are you ready for heaven?

[What must you do to prepare for Heaven’s invasion of Earth?]

  1. Are you ready for God to move into your neighborhood?

[What would Jesus change if He lived in your house, on your street, and in our city?]  

  1. Are you a bridge or a barricade?

[Does your life bring people closer to God and each other?]

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Describe a time you missed out on a big opportunity. What could you have done differently? Today, we will read a parable Jesus told about a man who missed the chance of a lifetime and how he spent eternity regretting it.


Read Luke 16:19-23

  • What blocked Lazarus during his Earthly life? What barrier did the rich man face after his death? Did the rich man go to hell because he was rich? Did Lazarus go to heaven because he suffered in life?
  • Why do you think every major world religion teaches that there is some form of judgment after death?
  • Read Luke 12:2-3. How is the verse both reassuring and disturbing? Read John 3:16-18. Does a loving God send people to hell? Why or why not?

Read Luke 16:24-26

  • Had the rich man’s attitude toward Lazarus changed after his death? How do you know?
  • George MacDonald said, “The choice of every lost soul can be expressed in the words ‘Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.’ There is always something they insist on keeping, even at the price of misery. There is always something they prefer to joy – that is, to reality.” How does this relate to this parable? Have you seen examples of this in your own life?
  • What does this parable teach us about the chasm between Heaven and hell?  

Read Luke 16:27-31

  • What did the rich man beg Father Abraham to do? How did Abraham respond?
  • Based on this parable, what do you think Jesus wanted His listeners to know and do? How does this parable apply to us today?
  • What does this parable have to say to us about the Bridge Initiative?  


If you were to die today, is there anything you would regret not doing? Are there things you would regret spending your time and money on? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.

Reading Plan + Prayer Guide


Matthew 5

Meditate on each of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10). Ask God to show you how to live out each of the things Jesus described in these verses.


Matthew 6

Use each phrase of The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) to guide your prayer time. Ask God to prepare your heart, home, church, and community for His Kingdom.  


Matthew 7

Meditate on the parable of the two builders (Matthew 7:24-27). Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal which builder best describes how you are living.  


Revelation 21

Thank God for His unrelenting love. Ask Him to give you a vision and passion for His new Heaven and Earth and to show you how to live a life that bridges the gap between them.


Revelation 22

Thank God that all His promises are kept in Jesus. Pray for the healing of our world and for people who are trapped in the gap of sin and brokenness. Pray that Aspire Church will be faithful to bridge the gap.