Shining Stars
October 1, 2023
JimBo Stewart is a follower of Jesus, Audrea’s husband, and father of three Stewart Littles. Professionally, JimBo serves as the Associate Director of Replant at the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and as the Replanting and Revitalization Strategist for First Coast Churches in Jacksonville, FL. He is also the co-founder of He holds a D.Min. in Church Revitalization and an M.Div. in Urban Missions, both earned at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. JimBo also loves exploring new places and playing disc golf with his kids. We are grateful for Jimbo’s contribution to the Kingdom and are excited to welcome him today as our guest teacher at Aspire Church San Marco.
Philippians 2:12-18
Small Group Questions
Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.
We are beginning a new small group series focused on Jesus’ unhurried pace of life. Each week, as we study Jesus’ rhythm of life, we will ask ourselves, “If we are always in a hurry, can we truly follow an unhurried Savior?” To help you get more out of this series, we recommend you read An Unhurried Life, by Alan Fadling. Following this week’s discussion, read chapter one, “A Frenetic Life.”
Read Luke 3:21-23
- How old was Jesus when He began His public ministry? Given all He had to accomplish, does it seem strange that He waited so long to start? Why or why not? Why do you think Jesus waited so long?
- Have you ever felt like life was passing you by? Like you had to hurry up if you were going to make it in life? What are the potential consequences of this kind of anxiety?
- How might we relate the timing of Jesus’ public ministry to any pressure we feel to accomplish our life’s work?
- Pastor John Ortberg says, “Hurry is not just a disordered schedule. Hurry is a disordered life. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Read Mark 1:12-13
- What was the first thing Jesus did after waiting 30 years to launch His public ministry?
- Imagine you were managing Jesus’ schedule. You know he only has approximately 42 months to launch His church and save the world. Would you have recommended that he take the first 40 days for a prayer retreat in the desert? Why or why not?
Read Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12, & Matthew 14:13
- What do these verses tell us about Jesus’ commitment to prayer and solitude?
- Do you often withdraw to lonely places to pray? Why or why not?
How hurried is your life? How much time do you spend in prayer and fellowship with God? What does the pace of your life reveal about the condition of your soul? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.
Daily Reading
As you follow this week’s reading plan, invite the Holy Spirit to fill you with a faith that produces evidence of a transformed life.
- Day 1: Philippians 2
- Day 2: James 2
- Day 3: Romans 4
- Day 4: Genesis 12
- Day 5: Genesis 15
- Day 6: Genesis 16
- Day 7: Genesis 17
Think Deeper
- What does “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” mean?
- What percentage of your words are used to grumble and argue?
- Do you feel like your life is being spilled out or poured out? What’s the difference?
Suggested Reading
Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters, by N.T. Wright
Relentless Joy, by Christina Patterson
An Unhurried Life, by Alan Fadling
Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at