Celebration Sunday!
November 20, 2022
As we wrap up Experiencing God sermon series, we turn our attention to how we, as a church, are responding to God’s invitation to join Him and His work.
Acts 11:19-30 & Acts 13:1-3
A Church that Changes the World is …
- a church that is ______ the ________ (Acts 11:19)
- a church that ______________ ____________ on __________ (Revelation 7:9; Acts 11:20-21; 13:1)
- a church that makes ________________ and equips those who do (Acts 11:23-24, 26)
- a ____________, ____________-______ church (Acts 11:28)
- a ______________ church (Acts 11:29-30)
- a church that measures its success by its ______________ rather than its ______________ capacity (Acts 13:2-3)
Determine how ______ will be the church that changes the world
Small Group Questions
Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.
When were you most fulfilled through being a part of a church? When were you most challenged by being a part of a church? When have you been most disappointed in a church?
Read 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5
- Who sent this letter and to whom was it sent?
- What do Paul and his associated remember about the Thessalonians?
- Can you think of an example for each of the following from Aspire Church?
- A work of faith.
- A labor of love.
- A steadfast hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- How does Paul know God “chose” the Thessalonians and what does that mean? Has God chosen our
Read 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7
- Who were the Thessalonians imitating? How were they imitating them?
- What role does imitation play in discipleship? What does this imply about making disciples?
- What is the difference between a tour guide and a travel agent? Which is a better model for discipleship?
- Who benefited from the Thessalonians example? How many generations of disciples are mentioned in these verses?
Read 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10
- What two things sounded forth from the Thessalonians throughout Macedonia? What makes both things essential? What would happen if the Thessalonians left one of those two things out?
- Why did Paul and his associated not need to say anything in Macedonia?
- What message sounds out from Aspire Church San Marco? Would Paul be able to say that our word and testimony is enough?
How is God speaking to you through Aspire Church San Marco? How does God want you to speak into our church? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.
Daily Readings
As you read the following passages, invite Holy Spirit to speak to you about our church and the part you play in it.
- Day 1: 1 Thessalonians 1
- Day 2: Acts 13
- Day 3: Acts 14
- Day 4: Titus 1
- Day 5: Titus 2
- Day 6: Titus 3
- Day 7: Revelation 7
Think Deeper
- What is the most important thing a church does?
- What should be expected of church members?
- What makes a church healthy and effective?
Suggested Resources
Experiencing God, by Henry Blackaby
The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren
Center Church, by Tim Keller
Check out these and other suggested books at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB