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Gary Lee Webber

Be Still

December 13, 2020

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While Zechariah and Elizabeth appeared to be a couple running out of time, Mary and Joseph appeared to have time on their side. Only recently engaged, this couple had their entire lives in front of them. There would be a wedding and eventually a family. But God had other plans. Long before the wedding night, Mary was told that she was going to be a mother, and that her child would be the Son of God. Join us for part two of The Fullness of Time where we will learn how to respond when God interrupts our plans.


What do you do when God interrupts your plans?

  1. Don’t be afraid.
  2. Be still and wait for God.
  3. Do the next right thing.

Daily Readings:

This week’s daily readings focus on people whose lives were interrupted by God. As you read each passage ask yourself: Whose life was interrupted? What was their response? What was the outcome? What is God saying to me through this passage? 

Day 1: Luke 1
Day 2: Matthew 1
Day 3: Genesis 12
Day 4: Exodus 3-4
Day 5: Joshua 1
Day 6: Esther 4
Day 7: Acts 9

Suggested Resources:


Life Interrupted, by Priscilla Shirer
The Music of Christmas, by Gary and Sheri Webber
God Came Near, by Max Lucado

Other sermon series (visit the sermon page):

The Music of Christmas (2012)
Arrival (2017)