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Gary Lee Webber

Be Patient

December 20, 2020

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Simeon and Anna were old – really old! From all outward appearances, they were completely out of time. They had waited and anticipated God’s provision, but as the end was drawing near, there appeared to be no way God could keep His promise. That did not, however, keep Simeon and Anna from hoping and faithfully waiting for God. Join us for week three of The Fullness of Time as we explore how God's timing helps us understand that all of our longings are ultimately fulfilled in Him. 


Three observations from a lifetime spent waiting on the Lord:

  1. Jesus is the fulfillment of all of God’s promises and the Holy Spirit is His deposit while we wait.
  2. This world is not our home and this life is not the end, so a lifetime is not too long to wait.
  3. God’s delay is for our good and will not last any longer than necessary.

Daily Readings:

This week’s daily readings focus on people who spent a lifetime waiting on God. As you read each passage ask yourself: Who is waiting? On what or whom are they waiting? What was the outcome? What is God saying to me through this passage?

Day 1: Luke 2
Day 2: Hebrews 11 and 12
Day 3: Genesis 15
Day 4: Numbers 20
Day 5: Deuteronomy 34
Day 6: Isaiah 40
Day 7: 2 Corinthians 12

Suggested Resources:


The Music of Christmas, by Gary and Sheri Webber
God Came Near, by Max Lucado
Still Waiting: Hope for When God Doesn't Give You What You Want, by Ann Swindell

Other sermon series (visit the sermon page):

The Music of Christmas (2012)
Arrival (2017)
Pause (2020)