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Gary Lee Webber

Be Ready

January 3, 2021

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We are all ready to turn the page on 2020, hoping and praying that 2021 will be a better year! But with so many things out of our control, is there anything we can do to ensure that 2021 is a better year? Join us online for the last sermon in The Fullness of Time series where Pastor Gary Webber will share three examples that twelve-year-old Jesus set for us that are sure to make this a year that makes us more like Him!


What can we do to make 2021 a better year?

Three reasons why you need to be more connected to the church:

  1. Living in community with God’s people helps you stay connected to God.
  2. Living like Jesus is hard, but it is possible when we do it together.
  3. We are better together.

Daily Readings:

Many people use the new year as a time to set goals and establish new habits. As we make lists of goals and plans for 2021, it is important to ask ourselves what kind of spiritual goals we might set. The Bible contains many “lists” of quality and character traits believers should strive for as we seek to be more like Jesus. As you read each day’s passage, prayerfully consider the goal of each list. Ask yourself what you can learn from that list as you plan for the new year. Spend time in prayer asking God to give you what you need in order to be transformed more into the image of Jesus in 2021.

Day 1: Romans 12
Day 2: Philippians 2
Day 3: Galatians 5
Day 4: James 3
Day 5: Matthew 5
Day 6: 1 Timothy 3
Day 7: 1 Corinthians 13

Suggested Resources:


The Mind of Christ, by T. W. Hunt and Claude King

Other sermon series (visit the sermon page):

The Disciple's Journey (2018)
Beautiful Feet (2014)
Walk This Way (2019)