Commitment Sunday


Bridge the Gap

Annual Celebration | 9:00 AM | MFC

The morning will begin in the Maguire Fellowship Center with continental breakfast, followed by a vote on our 2025 leadership (Deacons and Trustees), the proposed 2025 One Fund budget, and some minor changes to our constitution. Childcare and activities will be provided for babies - 5th grade. There is no cost but please register so that we have enough food.

Bridge Unity Worship | 11:00 AM | Sanctuary

We will worship together to celebrate the vision the Lord has given us and our commitment to that vision.


‬‬We will observe this sacred ordinance of the Church in our Unity Worship gathering today. If you are interested in being baptized, please call the church office at (904) 396-6633 or go to

Sunday, November 24, 2024
All Day
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RSVP Breakfast
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