● Ver transmisión
Gary Lee Webber
● Ver transmisión
Gary Lee Webber

We Are Gospel-Centered


Twenty years ago, no one had a smartphone, and few had social media accounts. Twenty years before that, no one had heard of e-mail or the Internet. One hundred years before that, people relied on a horse and buggy for transportation. Technology and culture continue to change at an accelerated rate. With all that has changed, how has the church endured? Join us for part 5 of This is Us, where we will explore the one enduring truth that holds us together.


Romans 1:14-16


We are ##Gospel##-centered and ##culturally## conscious.


Make the ##Gospel## the ##center## and ##goal## of your life.

Six questions to evaluate your Gospel-centeredness:

  1. Am I an ##example## of Jesus?
  2. Am I showing God’s ##love##?
  3. Am I ##forgiving## others as I have been forgiven?
  4. Am I seeking His ##Kingdom## first?
  5. Am I using ##religion## as a substitute for a ##relationship## with Jesus?
  6. Am I increasingly sharing in God’s ##life##?

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Did you ever get caught up in a passing fad? If so, what was it, and how do you feel about it now? Can a church get caught up in fads? If so, how? Can a church remain faithful to the Gospel and connect with an ever-evolving culture?


Read Matthew 11:1-6

  • What prompted John to send his disciples to question Jesus?
  • How did Jesus respond? What does Jesus’ response say about how He reacts to our doubts?
  • Read James 1:5-8. How does this passage relate to Matthew 11:1-6?

Read Matthew 11:7-15

  • Based on Jesus’ questions about John, how “culturally relevant” was John and his ministry?
  • Read Matthew 3:1-6. What was odd about John? Did this keep him from being effective?
  • We aren’t all called to pull away from culture like John the Baptist. Can you think of biblical examples of people who embraced their culture and remained faithful to Christ?

Read Matthew 11:16-19

  • Do you think Jesus’ description of culture in verses 16 and 17 is still accurate today? Can you give examples?
  • How does Jesus describe the difference between himself and John the Baptist? Does He advocate one approach over the other? What did they have in common?
  • How do you relate the unchanging truth of the Gospel to the ever-changing world around you?


Review your answers to the “six questions to evaluate your Gospel-centeredness.” Talk about your answers, invite accountability, and pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Romans 1
  • Day 2: Matthew 3
  • Day 3: Matthew 5
  • Day 4: Matthew 6
  • Day 5: Matthew 7
  • Day 6: Matthew 11
  • Day 7: James 1

Think Deeper

  1. What was most important to you 5, 10, and 20 years ago?
  2. What is your most enduring value or belief?
  3. Are you living a Gospel-centered life?

Suggested Reading

Future Church, by Will Mancini

Reunion, by Bruxy Cavey

I Am a Church Member, by Thom Rainer

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.