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Gary Lee Webber

The Young and the Restless


The innocence of a newborn is both beautiful and dangerous. Beautiful because it offers us a fading glimpse of purity. Dangerous because a baby is helpless and entirely dependent. Jesus once told His disciples that unless they entered the Kingdom like an infant, they would never get in. This raised more than a few questions among His followers. Join us for part two of Kingdom People, where we will learn the difference between the young and the restless.

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Luke 18:15-30


Kingdom people know they are _______________ to enter the Kingdom on their own.  

Kingdom people do not become _______________ by wealth and possessions.  

Kingdom people trust Jesus to be their _______________.


Prayerfully answer the following questions:

  1. Have you acknowledged your sin and your powerlessness to save yourself?
  1. What has entangled and kept you from following Jesus?
  1. Is the Lord your portion?

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.


What is your favorite non-biblical story and why? Does this story teach a lesson? If so, what?

Jesus used stories (parables) to teach His followers about the Kingdom of God. Why did He do this?


Read Matthew 13: 10-17

  • Was Jesus trying to confuse people by telling parables? Why or why not?
  • What makes people’s hearts grow dull and their ears and eyes become deaf and blind?
  • Have you ever had an “awakening” – a moment when you recognized a spiritual truth hidden in plain sight? What helped you to see, hear, and finally understand?  

Read Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43

  • What does this parable teach us about the Kingdom of God?
  • Can you offer a modern example of damage to the harvest by pulling the weeds?
  • Where might the church be in danger of this today and how should we respond based on this parable?

Read Matthew 13:44-46

  • What does this parable teach us about the Kingdom of God?
  • Why were the man and merchant willing to sell everything? How do these parables relate to the rich young ruler? (Luke 18:18-30)
  • Is there anything you would not give up to gain the Kingdom? What makes this question hard to answer?


Imagine yourself as the rich young ruler from Luke 18. Is there “one thing you lack”? What might Jesus tell you to get rid of to follow Him? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

This week’s readings come from passages describing times when Jesus pronounced someone to be saved. As you read, notice the similarities and differences between each person’s encounter with Jesus. Reflect on your own salvation experience and thank God for His grace.

  • Day 1: Luke 18
  • Day 2: Mark 2  
  • Day 3: John 3  
  • Day 4: John 4  
  • Day 5: John 5  
  • Day 6: John 8
  • Day 7: John 9

Think Deeper

  1. What is most striking about the innocence of children?
  1. When and how does that innocence end? When and how did it end for you?
  1. What does it mean to come to Jesus like a child?  

Suggested Reading

Reunion, by Bruxy Cavey

The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel

The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Check out these books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB