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Gary Lee Webber

Blind Faith


The ability to see with the eye does not necessarily equate to spiritual insight. In fact, physical sight may be the thing that often keeps us from seeing God, His purposes, and his ways. Join us for the final message in Kingdom People, where we will meet a blind man who could see what Jesus’ disciples could not.

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Luke 18:31-43

Blind to the ________ and ________ of ______ (Luke 18:31-37)

Blind to the __________ of __________ (Luke 18:38-39)

Blind ________ (Luke 18:40-43)


Kingdom people embrace the Savior they cannot see in situations they do not ________________ to practice blind ________ in God, His purposes, and His ways.  


When you can’t see God’s ______, trust God’s ________.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


What would you say to a non-believer who asked why a good and loving God would allow people to be born with birth defects?


Read John 9:1-7

  • What question did the disciples ask Jesus about the man born blind? What might this question reveal about the disciples’ understanding of God and the nature of sin? Do you see evidence of this thinking today?
  • How did Jesus answer the disciples, and what does His answer reveal about suffering?
  • What steps did Jesus take to heal the blind man? How does this compare to how He healed the blind man in Luke 18? Why do you think these two healings are different?

Read John 9:8-23

  • Describe the controversies created by this miraculous healing. What generated these controversies?  
  • How would you describe the man’s response to the controversies surrounding his healing? How did his parents respond?
  • What made healing a blind person such a big deal? (Read Isaiah 35:5 & 42:6-7)

Read John 9:24-41

  • How did the man respond to the Pharisees' demand that he call Jesus a sinner? What does this tell you about this man’s faith? What was the Pharisee’s response? How would you have responded to the Pharisees in this same situation?
  • Why didn’t the man recognize Jesus during their second encounter? Has there been a time when you didn’t recognize Jesus’ work in your life but later clearly saw His hand in that situation?
  • Describe the different types of blindness in this story. How do you relate to the man born blind? How do you relate to the disciples? How do you relate to the Pharisees?


Blind spots are impossible to see (that’s why they are called blind spots). Ask a spouse or close friend if they know of any blind spots in you, your character, your relationships, or your walk with the Lord. Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

This week’s Bible readings explore passages about blindness. As you read, invite the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to God, His purposes, and His ways.

  • Day 1: Psalm 146
  • Day 2: Isaiah 35
  • Day 3: Isaiah 42
  • Day 4: John 9
  • Day 5: Mark 10
  • Day 6: Luke 4
  • Day 7: Matthew 11

Think Deeper

  1. They say hindsight is 20/20. What does that mean, and do you agree?
  1. Can you remember a time when you didn't understand something but, with the perspective of time, gained a deeper understanding?
  1. Are you in a season where you cannot understand or see what God is doing? Could this be an opportunity to practice blind faith?

Suggested Reading

Surprised by Hope, by NT. Wright

Invitation to a Journey, by Robert Mulholland

The Jesus I Never Knew, by Philip Yancey

Check out these books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.