Jerry Maguire
“You complete me.” These three words are not only the most famous line from the hit movie, Jerry Maguire, they capture the expectations of many who long for a romantic relationship that will make them feel whole. But can two halves really make a person whole? Join us for part two of Ever After where we discuss God’s surprising intention behind marriage and the true source of wholeness.
Marriage Myth #2:
The Jerry Maguire Myth
Marriage is meant to make me whole.
Three Essential for Married the Christian Life:
- Practice mutual submission
- Exercise respect and honor
- Demonstrate unconditional love
The Truth:
Marriage isn’t about your happiness; it’s about your holiness.
Ask your spouse or a close friend these questions:
- Am I rebellious and/or domineering?
- How can I do a better job of respecting and honoring you?
- Does my love ever feel conditional?
Daily Readings:
This week’s daily Bible reading plan continues our journey through the book of Genesis. As you read, pay special attention to the marriages and families mentioned. Invite the Holy Spirit to teach you about your own family and relationships through the accounts you read.
Day 1: Genesis 12-13
Day 2: Genesis 14-15
Day 3: Genesis 16-17
Day 4: Genesis 18
Day 5: Genesis 19-20
Day 6: Genesis 21
Day 7: Genesis 22-23
Suggested Resources:
The Meaning of Marriage, by Tim Keller
The Mingling of Souls, by Matt Chandler
You and Me Forever, by Francis Chan
Scary Close, by Donald Miller
I Love You More, by Les and Leslie Parrott
His Needs, Her Needs, by Bill and Joyce Harley
Convergence: Marriage, by Donald Miller