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Gary Lee Webber

From Doubt


The foundation for the Christian faith is not a philosophy or set of theological principles. The core of our faith doesn’t reside in a moral code or a series of ancient teachings. Even though Christians have shared convictions, theology, ethics, and a clear set of teachings, none of these define the essence of our faith. The truth and reliability of Christianity hinge on a single, verifiable historical event: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, Christians would have nothing to offer and would be victims of the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. Join us for a three-part series exploring the Resurrection of Jesus and how that single event can lift us from doubt, despair, and complacency.

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Luke 23:44 - 24:12 

How to Have Faith Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt 

Examine the ________________: 

  • Specific witnesses:  
  • Specific times:  
  • Specific place: 
  • Specific warnings: 

Identify your ______________________ and question your ____________: 

  • What are your assumptions about Jesus? About His resurrection? 
  • You believe in something. Have you identified what that is?  

Act in __________: 

  • The centurion 
  • Joseph  
  • The women  
  • Peter

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.


Describe a time when you lost something valuable. How did you feel? What did you do to find that item? 


Read Luke 15:1-10   

  • What group was drawing near to Jesus? What group took issue with this? What does this tell you about Jesus? What prompted this series of parables? 
  • Are there individuals or groups of people that might draw near to Jesus today with whom the church might take issue? 
  • What was the response of the shepherd and the woman to the lost sheep and lost coin? Was their reaction reasonable? Why or why not? 

Read Luke 15:11-24        

  • What makes the story of the prodigal son one of the most universally loved stories of all time? 
  • In your opinion, what was the younger brother’s greatest sin? What brought him to his senses? Have you ever had a similar awakening? 
  • What was the father’s reaction to his son’s repentance? Was this a reasonable response? Why or why not?     

Read Luke 15:25-32  

  • What was the older brother’s response to his father’s reaction to his brother’s return? Was his response justified?  
  • Which of the two groups to whom Jesus was telling this story was most like the older brother? Which group was most like the younger brother? How does this story relate to the nation of Israel and the ministry of Jesus? 
  • What was each brother’s most significant obstacle to experiencing the fullness of their father’s love?  


Which brother best captures your spiritual journey? What are you doing to overcome the sin of that brother? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.  

Daily Reading

This week we will conclude our reading plan through the Gospel of Matthew. Invite the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and mind as you reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  

  • Day 1: Psalm 24
  • Day 2: Matthew 28:1-10
  • Day 3: Matthew 28:11-15
  • Day 4: Matthew 28:16-20
  • Day 5: John 20
  • Day 6: John 21
  • Day 7: Luke 24

Think Deeper

  1. Why is doubt an inevitable part of faith?
  2. Do you think accepting the resurrection was easier for people in the first century? Why or why not?
  3. Why is the resurrection an essential part of the Christian faith?

Suggested Reading

The Case for Easter, by Lee Strobel

Surprised by Hope, by N.T. Wright

The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona

Check out these books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.