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Gary Lee Webber

From Disappointment


Our greatest disappointments in life happen when our greatest hopes are unfulfilled. The closer we come to accomplishing our goals, the harder it is when we fail. It’s tough to endure a losing season, but losing the championship in overtime is devastating. Two thousand years ago, Jesus’ earliest followers had suffered the devastating disappointment of His arrest and crucifixion. This loss was so great that they nearly missed the miracle that was just about to happen. Join us as we celebrate the God who turns our greatest disappointments into our greatest victories.

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Luke 24:13-35

How to Find God in the Disappointments of Life 

________ your head (Luke 24:17) 

________ and ____________ (Luke 24:22-24) 

__________ and ______ (Luke 24:30-32) 

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.


What does a jury need to convict someone of a crime? Would you say that the resurrection of Jesus has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt? Why or why not? 


Read Luke 24:1-12

  • Were women considered reliable witnesses in the first century? Why does this matter as it relates to the first-hand accounts of Jesus’ resurrection? 
  • Compare the list of women mentioned in verse 10 with the list of women mentioned in Luke 8:1-3. Why do you believe Luke mentions these women by name? Based on our time in the Gospel of Luke (in sermons and in small groups), what have you observed about Luke’s treatment of women? Why does this matter? 
  • Some have argued that the slight variations in the four Gospels’ resurrection accounts are evidence that the story was made up. Do you think this is a valid argument? Why or why not? How would you explain these differences to a critic? 

Read Luke 24:13-35

  • Based on these verses, why should the two men have already known that Jesus would rise from the dead? 
  • Why didn’t they recognize Jesus? What made them finally recognize Him? 
  • Has personal disappointment ever prevented you from seeing God at work? 

Read Luke 24:36-53

  • What did the disciples initially think when Jesus appeared to them (v. 39)? How did Jesus respond to this assumption? What difference does it make if Jesus’ resurrection had merely been of a spiritual as opposed to a physical nature? 
  • What role did the scriptures play in Jesus’ resurrection appearances? Why does this matter? 
  • What command does Jesus leave with His disciples? How does this command relate to the church today?  


What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Readings

This week we will read through a portion of the Psalms. As you read, invite the Holy Spirit to increase your love for God and His Word.     

  • Day 1: Psalm 10 
  • Day 2: Psalm 11 
  • Day 3: Psalm 12 
  • Day 4: Psalm 13 
  • Day 5: Psalm 14 
  • Day 6: Psalm 15 
  • Day 7: Psalm 16     

Think Deeper

  1. What is your typical response when faced with a major disappointment in life? 
  2. Thinking about your last major disappointment, how did it affect your relationship with God? 
  3. How can the resurrection of Jesus help you reinterpret life’s disappointments? 

Suggested Resources 

A Case for Easter by Lee Strobel 

Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright 

The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona 

Check out these and other suggested books at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB