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Gary Lee Webber

Beware the Dogs


Throughout the fall, you see it – faces painted, flags waving, fight songs sung with pride. Football fans loudly cheer on their favorite teams. We’ve come to accept this harmless form of tribalism as a part of our culture. Fans pulling for opposite teams on Saturday are the best of friends on Sunday. But what happens when our faith becomes tribal? Join us for a message from Philippians 3, where we will see the dangers of tribalism and how Jesus overcomes our tribal religions.

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Philippians 3:1-6


##Religion## is ##tribal##, but Jesus is ##bigger##than your ##tribe##.


Beware of promoting ##your## ##tribe## over the ##message## of the ##Gospel##.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


What is the difference between being unhurried and being lazy? Has a fear of being perceived as lazy driven you to live a hurried life? To dive deeper into this subject, read Chapter 3 of An Unhurried Life by Alan Fadling.


Read Proverbs 6:6-11

  • Does this passage advocate hurry and busyness? Why or why not? Can you give examples of holy leisure versus unholy idleness?
  • Are you busier now than five years ago? Has that busyness made you more or less productive? Has your busyness and productivity made you more or less like Jesus?
  • How much time (unrelated to work or school) do you spend looking at a screen each day? Is that time feeding or starving your soul?

Read Galatians 5:22-23

  • What kinds of things would a person need to do to bear the fruit of the Spirit? How does this kind of effort differ from what occupies most of your time?
  • Have you ever felt wrestles and tired at the same time? How do you explain that? When you feel this way, Alan Fadling suggests you ask yourself, “What is the good in this present moment that I can notice, acknowledge, enjoy, and share with a trusted friend? What good work lies before me, disguised initially as something boring?”
  • If you were to cut your screen time in half this week, how could you use that time for holy leisure?


Is there something you do that you’ve told yourself is restful but really makes you restless and anxious? Are you willing to abstain from that activity for a season? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

This week’s reading plan focuses on passages highlighting the dangers of religious tribalism and Jesus’ call for His followers to take the Gospel to all nations.

  • Day 1: Philippians 3
  • Day 2: Jonah 1-2
  • Day 3: Jonah 3-4
  • Day 4: Matthew 28
  • Day 5: Galatians 1-3
  • Day 6: Galatians 4-6
  • Day 7: Revelation 7

Think Deeper

  1. What are some examples of modern-day religious tribalism? 
  2. Is religious tribalism compatible with the teaching of the New Testament? Why or why not?
  3. Do you, your family, or your church struggle with religious tribalism?  

Suggested Reading

Bloodlines, by John Piper

Unfinished, by Richard Stearns  

An Unhurried Life, Alan Fadling

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.