Darren Sides
The Wind Blows Where It Will
November 28, 2021
You can’t see the wind or control where it blows, but the evidence of the wind is undeniable. Join us Sunday as we learn to discern where God is working and the evidence of His movement among us.
John 3:1-9
God is a mystery that we cannot control or understand, but that we do experience.
Daily Readings
This week’s daily Bible reading plan is focused on God’s sovereignty and how that impacts our gifts and our problems. The week ends by looking at God’s sovereignty as it relates to the incarnation and beginning of Jesus' ministry.
- Day 1: 1 Corinthians 2 & 12
- Day 2: Job 38 & 39
- Day 3: Job 40 & 41
- Day 4: Job 42
- Day 5: John 1
- Day 6: John 2
- Day 7: John 3
Suggested Resources
The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Don’t Waste Your Life, by John Piper
Radical, by David Platt
Celebrations of Discipline, by Richard Foster
The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon