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Darren Sides

A Joyful Heart

December 15, 2024

Have you ever been told something that filled you with so much joy that you thought you might burst? Maybe it was when the doctors said there was no evidence of disease, or when you heard you got into your dream school, or when you received a promotion. Perhaps it was at the announcement that a baby was on the way. When the shepherds first heard the angels, they were filled with fear. But that fear was soon eclipsed by a contagious joy that spread from those few shepherds to the ends of the earth. Join us for part three of The Heart of Worship, where we will see how authentic worship produces a contagious joy that can change the world.

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Luke 2:1-20


Authentic worship produces ##contagious## ##joy##.


  1. Find the ##Joy##.
  2. Rehearse the ##Song##.
  3. ##Sing## out loud.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Who did God use to share the Gospel with you? Do you know who shared the Gospel with that person? How far back can you trace your spiritual family tree?  


The Gospel in 30 Words

  • Aspire has adopted The Gospel in 30 Words to equip us for intentional conversations about Jesus. Read the entire 30-word statement and then review the scriptures related to each phrase.
  • Jesus is God with us – come to show us God’s love, save us from sin, set up God’s Kingdom, and shut down religion so we can share in God’s life.

Jesus is God with Us… [The Ground of the Gospel]

  • Read John 1:1-4 & 14. What do these verses reveal about Jesus’ identity?
  • Read Colossians 1:15-17. Based on these verses, how would you respond to someone who claimed Jesus was one among many great religious teachers or prophets?

Come to… [The Four Gifts of the Gospel]

  • show us God’s love… (Read John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:9-10, and Romans 5:8.) What do these verses teach us about God’s love? What is most challenging to you about these verses?
  • save us from sin… (Read Romans 3:23-24 & 6:23.) What is the difference between sin and a mistake? What is the difference between God judging us for our sins and saving us from sin?
  • set up God’s Kingdom… (Read Luke 17:20-21.) What is different about the Kingdom of God? What did Jesus mean by “the Kingdom of God is within you”?
  • and shut down religion… (Read Revelation 21:1-5 & 22-27.) What is religion? Why did Jesus come to shut it down?

So we can share in God’s life. [The Goal of the Gospel]

  • Read John 10:10. According to this verse, why did Jesus come?
  • What does it mean to share in God’s life? Is that different from going to heaven when we die?


Of the four gifts Jesus came to give, which is most precious to you right now? Which one do you have the most difficulty understanding or accepting? Who do you know who would benefit from having a conversation around these 30 Words? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.

Advent Calendar

Monday, December 16

Luke 2:1-20

Thank God for sending Jesus to be “good news of great joy for all people.” Pray for those who haven’t heard the good news. Pray for missionaries around the world as they share the Gospel.

Tuesday, December 17

John 1

Praise God for the Light He has sent into our darkness. Thank Him for revealing Himself to us in Jesus. Pray for the Lyles, Underwood, and Mangum families as they carry the light to the nations.

Wednesday, December 18

Psalm 66

Read Psalm 66 out loud as your prayer to God. Personalize it with specific examples of how He has blessed and kept you.  

Thursday, December 19

Psalm 96

Thank God for the salvation He has provided for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the nations to hear and respond to His offer of salvation. Pray for someone you know who needs to accept Jesus as their Savior.  

Friday, December 20

Isaiah 9:1-7

Thank God for sending Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and placing the world's governments on His shoulders. Pray for His peace to reign in your heart, our church, and around the globe.

Saturday, December 21

Isaiah 40:1-5

Pray for people you know who need to experience God’s comfort this Christmas. Ask God to remove every obstacle from those who need to find Him. Thank Him for being a God who reveals Himself to us.