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Gary Lee Webber

A Grateful Heart

December 1, 2024

Church attendance dramatically increases in December. People love the familiarity of the Christmas story, the carols, and the beautiful nativities. However, Christmas is more than just a story about the birth of a baby; it is a story about worship. From Mary's gratitude to Joseph's obedience and from the shepherds' joy to the wise men's generosity, the Christmas story teaches us the art and heart of worship. Join us for week one of The Heart of Worship, where we will discover that true worship is born from a thankful heart.

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Luke 1:26-56

  1. A Grateful Heart Gives Thanks in ##All## ##Circumstances##.
  1. A Grateful Heart ##Rejoices## with Those Who ##Rejoice##.
  1. A Grateful Heart ##Records## and ##Reviews## God’s Blessings.


“ ##Gratitude## is the ##stem## ##cell## of all worship.” – David Rohrer


Use the 2025 Advent book to keep your heart focused on Jesus.

  1. Are you facing a difficult situation? What can you thank God for in the middle of it?
  1. Who is rejoicing that you can rejoice with?
  1. Begin a journal of thanksgiving during Advent.

[Record your blessing every day using this Discipleship Journal]

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions? If so, what are they? Why is gratitude the starting point for true worship? Today, we will read Hannah’s story from 1 Samuel 1 and her prayer from 1 Samuel 2. Look for the parallels between Hannah’s story and the Christmas story and between the prayers of Hannah in 1 Samuel 2 and Mary in Luke 2.  


Read 1 Samuel 1:1-8

  • Does Elkanah’s family remind you of another Old Testament family? Can you think of other Bible characters who had more than one wife? Based on these examples, does the Bible endorse polygamy (see Genesis 2:24)?  
  • How is this an example of God accommodating human sin to accomplish His purpose?

Read 1 Samuel 1:9-20

  • What effect does Hannah’s situation have on her worship? Can true worship rise from brokenness and despair? Can you think of other biblical examples? Can you think of personal examples?
  • How did the people around Hannah (Eli, Elkanah, Elkanah’s other wife) perceive her prayers and acts of worship? Did this prevent Hannah from seeking God?  
  • Does the perception of others prevent you from expressing your true feelings to God?

Read 1 Samuel 1:21 - 1 Samuel 2:11

  • What sacrifices did Hannah offer in verses 24 & 25? What was the most valuable sacrifice she made? Why did Hannah surrender Samuel to Eli’s care?  
  • Compare Hannah’s prayer (1 Samuel 2:1-10) with Mary’s (Luke 1:46-56). Why did Mary quote this prayer? What does this suggest about Mary’s faith and spiritual disciplines? What does Mary’s prayer tell you about Jesus and His mission?
  • What has God done for you that should inspire you to worship Him fully?


Feelings of extreme desperation and intense gratitude drive us to worship God with greater passion and intentionality. Has there been a recent example of this in your life? What will you do this week to cultivate a grateful heart towards God? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.

Advent Calendar

Monday, December 2

Luke 1:1-38

Thank God for His Word and how it prepares our hearts for Him, His purposes, and His ways. Ask Him to speak to your heart this Advent.  

Tuesday, December 3

Luke 1:39-80

Imagine the scene when Mary arrived at Elizabeth’s house. Ask God to fill you with the same joy and expectation as you prepare to worship Jesus each day during Advent.  

Wednesday, December 4

Philippians 4

Ask God to reveal your anxious thoughts to you. Cast your anxiety on Him in prayer. Ask God to make you content in every circumstance.  

Thursday, December 5

1 Thessalonians 5

Spend your prayer time thanking God and rejoicing in Him. Set an alarm for every three hours throughout the day. When it goes off, stop and pray for a few minutes.  

Friday, December 6

Romans 12

Ask God to show you how you can offer yourself as a living sacrifice to Him today. Ask God to fill you to overflowing with His grace today.

Saturday, December 7

1 Samuel 1:1 – 1 Samuel 2:11

Reflect on a time of desperation and how God carried you through it. Thank Him for His faithfulness. Commit to giving back to God everything He has entrusted to you.