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Gary Lee Webber

We Are a Family of Pastors


Celebrity culture is a billion-dollar industry. Social media influencers and celebrities rely on public exposure (good and bad) to maintain their power. Jesus was a celebrity in first-century Palestine. Religious and political leaders knew His name, and thousands flocked to hear Him teach. But Jesus never relied on His celebrity. In fact, He was willing to give it away to those who followed Him. Join us for Part 9 of This Is Us to see how Jesus calls everyone in His Church to be a kingdom of priests.

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Matthew 9:35 – 10:7


We are all ##pastors## ##called## by God, ##redeemed## by His Son, and ##empowered## by His Spirit.


Identify where God is already ##working## and ##join## Him.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.  


What is a priest, and what do they do? Is there a difference between a priest and a pastor? What is required for someone to become a priest or a pastor?


Read 1 Peter 2:1-8

  • Peter uses two different illustrations to describe Christ’s followers. What are they, and what do they tell us about the church?
  • What does Peter mean by “living stones”? What is the difference between a stone and a living stone? How does this idea relate to the church?
  • What is the significance of a cornerstone in construction? Who is the “Cornerstone”? How does this illustration relate to the church?

Read 1 Peter 2:9-12

  • What does it mean that God has set apart His followers (the church) as a “royal priesthood”? If every member of Aspire acted like a priest, what would change in our church?
  • What was our condition before God set us apart? How do past failures help us to fulfill God’s call to be a nation of priests?
  • Why does our behavior among “gentiles” or unbelievers matter? What does it mean to live as aliens or exiles in a foreign land?

Read 1 Peter 2:13-17

  • What is your reaction to Peter’s instructions in verses 13-15? What did this look like for Peter living under the Roman Empire? What would it have meant for believers living in Nazi Germany? How does it apply today?
  • What responsibilities go along with freedom? How does this relate to the church? What is an example of someone using their freedom in Christ as a cover-up for evil?
  • What four directives does Peter give in verse 17? Which one is hardest for you and why? What will you do this week to embrace that command?


How does your life reflect the values of Christ’s Kingdom? How will you serve your community as a priest this week?  Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Matthew 9
  • Day 2: Matthew 10
  • Day 3: 1 Peter 2
  • Day 4: Hebrews 7
  • Day 5: Hebrews 8
  • Day 6: Hebrews 11
  • Day 7: Hebrews 12

Think Deeper

  1. How is celebrity culture affecting our world today? How is it affecting the church?
  2. What are the benefits and risks of celebrities who profess to follow Jesus?
  3. Was Jesus a celebrity in His time? Why or why not? Is He a celebrity today?

Suggested Reading

Future Church, by Will Mancini

The Most Loving Place in Town, by Kenneth Blanchard

I Am a Church Member, by Thom Rainer

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.