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Gary Lee Webber

The Very Thought of You


The Psalms are the hymns of ancient Israel. Jesus and His disciples would have sung them in worship and as they traveled the dusty roads of ancient Palestine. Their words were even on Jesus' lips as He hung on the cross. The lyrics that brought so much hope and joy to Jesus continue to inspire His followers today. Join us each Sunday in August as we listen to a mixtape of Psalms describing God's beauty and majesty.

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Psalm 8

The ##Majesty## of ##God##

The ##Worth## of ##Man##

The ##Gap## that Lies ##Between##

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Have you ever felt God in the beauty and wonder of nature? What did that experience teach you about God? What did that experience teach you about yourself?  


Read Psalm 19:1-6

  • Based on these verses, what is the purpose of creation?  
  • Humans make two mistakes when it comes to creation. On the one hand, we worship it as God, and on the other, we despise and exploit it for selfish purposes. Can you think of examples of both mistakes? How should we respond and interact with God’s creation?
  • Read Romans 1:20. How does creation lead us to the knowledge of the Creator? Is creation enough to lead people to a complete understanding of God? Why or why not?
  • How much mercy and grace would you discover watching a documentary about lions hunting in the plains of Africa? Where do we learn about God’s mercy and grace?

Read Psalm 19:7-11

  • Where do we find the law, testimony, precepts, and commands of the Lord? What is their benefit, according to these verses?  
  • Read Genesis 3:17-19 and Romans 8:19-22. According to these verses, what is wrong with creation? What is creation longing for? How might this help explain natural disasters, pandemics, and disease?

Read Psalm 19:12-14

  • Do you think people are fully aware of their errors and faults? Why or why not? What is the Psalmist’s prayer in verses 12-13? Why is this an important prayer? Why is this a dangerous prayer?
  • How does the Psalmist address God at the end of verse 14? What do each of these names mean to you?
  • Read Isaiah 11:2-7. Who is Isaiah talking about? What do you find most hopeful about Psalm 19 and Isaiah 11?


Has God recently revealed any of your errors or faults? How did you respond to that revelation? How was that revelation evidence of His love for you? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Psalm 8
  • Day 2: Hebrews 2
  • Day 3: Psalm 19
  • Day 4: Isaiah 11
  • Day 5: Romans 1
  • Day 6: Romans 8
  • Day 7: Psalm 104

Think Deeper

  1. How does the majesty and beauty of creation affect what you think about God?
  2. Have you ever wondered if God considers you and why He would?
  3. Where are the gaps between God’s perfect design and the reality of your life today?

Suggested Resources

Reflections on the Psalms, by C. S. Lewis

The Songs of Jesus, by Tim Keller

Psalms (Kinder Classic Commentaries), by Derek Kinder

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB