The Breath of God
We instinctively know that there is more to living than drawing in oxygen. What, exactly, is it that animates humans? What motivates us to search for truth and higher meaning? Join us for part four of Essentials as we explore what we believe about God, the Holy Spirit.
Genesis 2; Ezekiel 37; and John 20
In essentials, we have __________; in non-essentials, we have ______________; and in all things, we aspire to ________ ________________ ____________.
Essential #2: Jesus is ______ ________ ____ come to show us God’s ________, save us from ______, shut down ________________, and set up ________ ______________ so we can share in ________ ________.
Essential #3: The Holy Spirit is ______ ____ ____, revealing truth, convicting us of sin, comforting us in affliction, gifting us for Christ’s mission, and empowering all believers to live as Christ.
Practice __________________ __________________.
Small Group Questions
Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.
Today we continue a series of conversations based on the book of Romans. To dig deeper, check out Romans for Everyone (Part 1) by N.T. Wright. You can also read the chapter we will discuss today once a day between now and the next time we meet.
Martin Luther once said, “This epistle is really the chief part of the New Testament …. It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day ...” As you have been reading Romans every day, what has stood out to you so far?
Read Romans 4:1-8
- What point is Paul trying to make through the example of Abraham and the words of David?
- Read Genesis 12:1-4 and 1 Samuel 16:6-7 & 11-13 and compare the call of Abraham and David.
- What did they do to be chosen by God? What was required of them?
Read Romans 4:9-15
- What difference does it make that God credited Abraham’s faith to him as righteousness before his circumcision rather than after? Compare this to our church’s teaching on baptism.
- Why does this make Abraham the father of those who believe but have not been circumcised?
- What outward expressions of your faith are signs and seals of what you believe?
Read Romans 4:16-25
- How is God fulfilling His promise to make Abraham the father of many nations?
- What does it mean to “credit” someone? How does that apply to what God has done for us?
- According to verse 25, what was accomplished through Jesus’ death and resurrection?
Can you say that your acts of obedience are the fruit of your faith? Are there ways that you are trying to earn God’s grace through your effort? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.
Daily Readings
Our summer Bible reading plan will focus on passages related to our essential beliefs. As you read, invite the Holy Spirit to affirm what is essential. How will this essential affect your life today?
- Day 1: Genesis 2
- Day 2: Ezekiel 37
- Day 3: Joel 2
- Day 4: John 14
- Day 5: John 16
- Day 6: John 20
- Day 7: Romans 4
Think Deeper
- Why is the Holy Spirit the most neglected member of the Trinity?
- Describe a time when you had bios without zoe.
- What role does the Holy Spirit play in your day-to-day life?
Suggested Resources
Essential Christianity, by J.D. Greer
Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
Basic Christianity, by John Stott
Check out these and other suggested books at