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Gary Lee Webber

Kingdom First


While it is probably an exaggeration to say that America has never been more divided than it is today, we are as politically and ideologically as polarized as we’ve been in generations. What responsibility does that church have to advocate for peace and unity in a fractured society? What role should the church play in the current political debates? Join us for The US of America as we explore how the Gospel compels believers to be ambassadors of peace and reconciliation amid a troubled world.

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Matthew 6:33; John 17; John 13:34-35


Put Jesus and His ##kingdom## before your political ##agenda## and personal ##preferences##.


Take the 30-Day More and Less Challenge:

  1. ##Pray## more – ##Worry## Less.  
  2. ##Listen## more – ##Talk/Post## Less.  
  3. ##Act## more – ##Posture## Less.  

Small Group Questions

This week begins a new series on faith and politics. This series does not try to persuade people to vote for a particular person or political party, nor is it intended to criticize all parties to disengage voters. The purpose is to get Jesus’ followers to place their allegiance to Him and His kingdom above their personal political preference and live as if His is the only Kingdom that will endure.


Would you describe yourself as politically active, or do you avoid politics at all costs? What experiences, background, education, etc., led you to have the political views you have today?


Read Mark 12:13-17

  • What motivated the Pharisees to ask this question? Do you believe political questions are sometimes motivated by the same thing today?
  • How do you understand Jesus’ answer? Why was this such a good answer?  
  • What does Jesus’ answer tell you about how we should understand issues of faith and politics?

Read Romans 13:1-7

  • What is most unsettling about this passage?
  • Paul knew that Jesus had been falsely condemned and crucified by a corrupt government. Does reading this passage through that lens change your understanding of it? If so, how and why?
  • Do you believe Paul intended Christians to apply this passage only to governments with whom they agreed? Why or why not?
  • What should this mean for the Church today?
  • What, if any, responsibilities do Jesus’ followers have to address injustice and corruption in government? How are Christians to respond to oppressive and corrupt leaders?


How respectful are you of our current president, governor, and mayor? Are you only respectful of those offices when they are held by people you voted for? How do you measure up to Paul’s directions to believers in Romans 13? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray.  

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Luke 6
  • Day 2: Matthew 20
  • Day 3: Matthew 21
  • Day 4: Matthew 22
  • Day 5: Matthew 23
  • Day 6: John 13
  • Day 7: John 17

Think Deeper

  1. How has your background contributed to your political views?
  2. Can you recall a time when a politician has twisted something the Bible says to fit their political agenda? Have you ever twisted the Bible to accommodate your views?
  3. What will you do this week to promote the Kingdom over political agendas?

Suggested Reading

The Myth of a Christian Nation, by Greg Boyd

Not In It to Win It, by Andy Stanley

Before You Vote: Seven Questions, David Platt

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.

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