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Gary Lee Webber

Episode 1: The Prime Suspect

March 9, 2025

Step into a world filled with mystery and intrigue as we unravel the events that led to the crucifixion of one of history's most significant figures. Who truly orchestrated the death of Jesus of Nazareth? Was it the political maneuverings of the Roman Empire, the fervor of religious leaders, or something deeper? Join us each week as we delve into ancient texts, explore historical contexts, and reexamine the facts we believe we know so well. This isn’t just a story of betrayal; it’s a quest for truth. Join us each week to discover the truth about "Who Killed Jesus of Nazareth?"

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John 19:1-19


Pilate could champion ##truth## and ##justice## or pursue his ##ambitions##, but he couldn’t do both.


Ask yourself, “Am I following ##Jesus## or my ##ambitions##?”

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.  


When was the last time you ignored a warning and faced the consequences? What drives us to make poor decisions, even when we know they are wrong? Is it appropriate to label those decisions as mistakes? Why or why not?


Read Matthew 27:1-2 & 11-14

  • Who made the decision to put Jesus to death? Why was He taken to Pilate? (see John 18:31)
  • How did Jesus respond to Pilate’s question? What could His response signify?
  • Why didn’t Jesus respond to the accusations from the chief priests and elders? How do you typically react to God’s silence? How should we respond to God’s silence?

Read Matthew 27:15-26

  • What choice did Pilate present to the crowd? According to verse 18, what motivated him to make this offer?
  • What does offering this choice reveal about Pilate’s motives and character? Have you ever used the poor decisions of others as a cover?
  • Do you believe that Pilate’s wife’s dream was a warning from God to Pilate? How did Pilate react to her warning?
  • Revisit and reflect on verses 24 and 25. Given all that will happen, how should we understand these verses?

Read Romans 7:15-25

  • What stands out to you in this passage?
  • In what ways are Paul and Pilate alike? In what ways are they different?
  • According to this passage and Matthew 27:25, what is our only hope for escaping condemnation for our sin?


What areas of your life present the greatest challenges in choosing between following Jesus and pursuing personal ambitions? How did you respond to those decisions last week? What actions will you take this week to prioritize Jesus over your ambitions? Discuss this matter, seek accountability, and pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: John 18:28-40
  • Day 2: Mark 15:1-5
  • Day 3: Matthew 27:1-14
  • Day 4: Luke 23
  • Day 5: Mark 15:6-47
  • Day 6: Matthew 27:15-66
  • Day 7: John 19

Passage to Memorize: Luke 9:23

Think Deeper

  1. What is Pilate’s best defense against that charge that he killed Jesus of Nazareth?
  2. When was the last time you had to choose between doing what was right and personal ambition?
  3. How will you deny yourself and follow Jesus this week?

Suggested Reading  

The Cross of Christ, by John R. W. Stott

The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel

Jesus, The Final Days, by Craig Evans & N.T. Wright

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.

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