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Gary Lee Webber

Double Standards


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Since the time of Adam and Eve, there have been obvious double standards for men and women in almost every area of life. Luke frequently pairs stories of men and women together to highlight Jesus’ love and mission to redeem all of God’s creation. Join us for part two of Glass Ceilings where we see how the response of a Roman Centurion and a prostitute demonstrate Jesus’ radical grace and His universal offer of salvation for everyone regardless of who they are or what they’ve done.

Passage (read it):

Principles (know them):

Religion ranks people based on who they are and what they do.

Jesus is the great equalizer.

Salvation is not determined by the perfection of your faith but the direction of your faith.

Practices (do them):

Answer the following questions:

  1. What price did your god pay to have a relationship with you?
  2. Is there anything about who you are or what you’ve done that you’ve been deceived into believing disqualifies you from coming to Jesus?
  3. Are there any groups of people (based on their gender, race, or past behaviors) that you have assumed were not eligible for God’s grace?

Daily Readings:

This weeks’ readings focus on God’s universal offer of salvation. That offer is not based on a person’s race, language, gender, or social status. Neither is it based on the works a person performs. As you read each chapter, ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of God’s love for everyone and how He uses all kinds of people to accomplish His purposes.

Day 1: Luke 7
Day 2: 1 Samuel 16
Day 3: Acts 10
Day 4: Galatians 3
Day 5: Romans 2
Day 6: Romans 3
Day 7: Romans 4

Suggested Resources:


The Story Luke Tells, by Justo L. González
Luke for Everyone, by N.T. Wright

Sermons at ssbc.org:

Ruth: A Story of Generous Love (2014)
Glass Ceilings (May 27, 2018)