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Gary Lee Webber

Control and Responsibility


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Every time a student recites the pledge they are acknowledging that the country to which they are pledging their allegiance is subservient to God. The national motto of the United States of America is "In God we trust". So what is the role of the church when it comes to politics? How should Christians react and respond to the government? With the upcoming election polarizing our nation, does the Bible have any directions for how the people of God should respond?


John 19:1-11; 2 Chronicles 7:14


We have less ________ than we think we do.

  • People do not come to power outside of ________ ________ .

We have more ________ than we claim to have.

  • The ________ of the nation begins with ________ ________ .


Pray - for the candidates, for the nation, for personal holiness.

Repent - don't ask what is wrong in our country; ask what is wrong in me?

Vote - it is your privilege and responsibility.