Sixty percent of churchgoers say their main reason for attending church is to feel closer to God. A recent survey found that most people who stopped attending church did so because they did not believe going helped them reach that goal. But this is like avoiding a pharmacy because going does not improve your health. If attending church cannot cultivate a close relationship with God, what will? Join us for a sermon series exploring how to draw closer to God in 2025.
Mark 12:29-30; John 15:4-7;
You were created for ##union## with ##God##; apart from Him, you will never be fully and finally ##satisfied##.
Commit to doing ##whatever## ##it## ##takes## to draw closer to God in 2025.
- What do I need to ##release## ?
- What do I need to ##retain## ?
- What do I need to ##pursue## ?
Small Group Questions
Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.
Define intimacy. Are there different kinds of intimacy? If so, what are they? Pastor Gary said that the human need for intimacy, in all its forms, points beyond human relationships to our soul’s desire for union with God. What does this mean, and do you agree?
Read John 15:1-6
- If Jesus is the true vine, does this verse imply that there are false vines? If so, what would they be?
- What two types of branches are described in verse two? What is the difference between being taken away and being pruned? Can you give an example of a time when God pruned you?
- According to verse five, what can we do apart from Jesus? A lot of people appear to accomplish a lot of things without Jesus. How would you explain this?
Read John 15:7-10
- How would you explain verse seven to someone who says God has not responded to their prayers?
- How do we glorify God? What does it mean to “bear fruit”? According to verse eight, what proves our discipleship? How does this verse make you feel?
- Describe God’s love for Jesus. How does that reflect Jesus’ love for you? What does it mean to abide in Jesus’ love? What are some practical ways we can remain in Jesus’ love throughout the day, the week, the month, and the year?
Read John 15:11-17
- According to verse eleven, why did Jesus tell this to His disciples? Have you ever felt the Joy of Christ in you? How would you describe that experience?
- What is Jesus’ command? How did Jesus express His love for His disciples? How does this clarify the way we are commanded to love one another?
- What does it mean for Jesus to call us His friends? How does it make you feel that Jesus chose you to be His friend? How might this affect your relationship with God in 2025?
Have you ever felt closer to God than you do today? If so, when were you closest to Him, and what happened? What will you do to draw closer to God this week, this month, and this year? Have you developed your sacred rhythm for 2025? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together
Daily Reading
As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
- Day 1: John 15
- Day 2: 2 Peter 1
- Day 3: 2 Peter 2-3
- Day 4: Ephesians 1
- Day 5: Ephesians 2
- Day 6: Ephesians 3-4
- Day 7: Ephesians 5-6
Passage to Memorize: John 15:5
Think Deeper
- Who is the person you have felt the closest to? When did you feel the closest to them?
- Are you closer to God today than at any other point? If not, when were you closer?
- What are one or two things you know you can do to be closer to God in 2025?
Suggested Reading
Soul Keeping, by John Ortberg
Renovations of the Heart, by Dallas Willard
Practicing the Way, by John Mark Comer
Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.