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Gary Lee Webber

A Sign of Belonging


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Initiation rites are a part of many organizations and institutions. For example, a wedding is a kind of initiation rite into marriage. People joining sororities or fraternities often participate in a selection and initiation process known as “rush.” Every president of the United States has stood with his hand on a Bible and sworn an oath of office that signifies his initiation into the presidency. Join us for part three of Ripple Effects to learn how baptism is a sign of our adoption and a beautiful initiation into the family of God.

Passage (read it):

Principle (know it):

Baptism is a sign and celebration of belonging to the Body of Christ.

Practice (do it):

RSVP for beach baptism on August 22 and help us welcome the newest members of our faith family.

Daily Readings:

As you read Acts 10 and the book of Galatians, invite the Holy Spirit to teach you the difference between freedom in Christ and religious law-keeping. Thank Him for taking you, an outsider, and making you a son and daughter of His.

Day 1: Acts 10
Day 2: Galatians 1
Day 3: Galatians 2
Day 4: Galatians 3
Day 5: Galatians 4
Day 6: Galatians 5
Day 7: Galatians 6

Suggested Resources:


What is Baptism?by R.C. Sproul 
All the Bible Teaches About Baptism, by Jerome Goodwin 
I am a Church Member, by Thom Rainer