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Gary Lee Webber

A Generous Heart


The wise men are famous for their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but these may not have been the most precious gifts they gave the Christ Child. Join us for part four of The Heart of Worship, where we will see how generosity is the overflow of genuine worship.

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Matthew 2:1-12


##Generosity## is the ##overflow## of genuine worship.


Invest your ##time##, ##talent##, and ##treasure## in the worship of King Jesus.

  1. How will you invest time in the worship of King Jesus in 2025?

[Personal and corporate worship? On a daily and weekly basis?]  

  1. How will you invest your talent in the worship of King Jesus in 2025?

[What education, experiences, talents, and gifts will you give back to Him?]

  1. How will you invest your treasure in the worship of King Jesus in 2025?

[Prayerfully consider committing to the Bridge Initiative in 2025]

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.  


When have you been the most thankful to God? Did your gratitude produce any fruit? If so, what was it?


Read John 11:1-6

  • According to verse 5, why did Jesus wait two days before going to Lazarus? How do you explain this?  
  • Have you ever been in a situation when you felt God was late or unresponsive to your needs? If so, what happened?  

Read John 11:17-44

  • How did Mary and Martha respond to Jesus’ late arrival? How would you have responded?
  • Knowing what He was about to do, why would Jesus still have wept?
  • How must Mary, Martha, and the others have felt when Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb?  

Read John 12:1-11

  • What prompted Mary’s extravagant act of worship? Were Mary’s actions appropriate? Why or why not?
  • How did people react to Mary anointing Jesus’s feet? Why did they react that way?
  • Have you ever been overwhelmed with gratitude to God? If so, why and how did you respond?


On a scale of one to ten, one being Judas’s reaction to Mary and ten being Mary’s anointing of Jesus’ feet, how thankful are you for what God has done for you? How will you direct your gratitude into a heart of generous worship this week? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.

Advent Calendar

Monday, December 23

Matthew 2:1-12

Ask God to give you the faith of the Wise Men to follow Him wherever He leads. Thank Him for the guidance of His Holy Spirit.  

Tuesday, December 24

Revelation 4:9-11

Spend time meditating on this scene of heavenly worship. Ask God to reveal the crowns you need to cast at His feet. Praise Him as the King of Heaven and Earth.  

Wednesday, December 25

Luke 1-2

Reflect on the people God used in the Christmas story. Invite Him to speak to you through their lives and examples. Thank Him for the gift of His Son.  

Thursday, December 26

Matthew 1-2

Thank God for entering time and space to save us. Pray for a heart of worship. Give Him thanks. Commit to obey Him, regardless of the cost. Ask Him to fill you with His hope, peace, joy, and love.  

Friday, December 27

John 11:1-44

Confess any disappointment you’ve felt with God for times when your prayers seemed to go unanswered. Ask Him to give you the faith to trust Him even when circumstances are difficult.  

Saturday, December 28

John 12:1-8

Imagine the scene in which Mary anointed Jesus’ feet. Ask God to give you a heart like Mary’s—a heart filled with gratitude pouring out in a generous act of worship.  

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