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Gary Lee Webber

Warning Signs

February 26, 2023

People love a good conspiracy theory. Rumors of war and destruction have been passed around as long as there have been those willing to listen. People in first-century Jerusalem were certainly no exception. With political tensions rising and Roman soldiers standing guard, there was no shortage of prophets and prognosticators predicting open conflict between the Jews and the Romans. Jesus’ disciples had heard all the predictions before, but they weren’t prepared for what Jesus had to say on the subject. Join us for the conclusion of Tipping Point, where we hear Jesus describe the end of religion as we know it.

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Luke 21:5-38

When did/will this happen?  

The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, described by Jesus in Luke 21, occurred at the hands of the _____ in _____ _____.  

What does it mean?

Jesus came to _____ _____ _____.

Why does it matter?

The destruction of the temple _____ Jesus’ _____.

The destruction of the temple signified the _____ to the _____.


Keep your _____ _____, your _____ _____, and your _____ _____.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Join us today at 5 p.m., in the sanctuary, for our Deacon Ordination. Immediately after, we will have our Quarterly Celebration and Annual Chili Cook-off in the MFC.

Discuss your group plans for celebrating Christ in the Passover sometime in March or early April. If you need more information, please email cindyg@aspirejax.org.


On a scale of one to ten, how competitive are you? What makes you so competitive? What is the difference between healthy and unhealthy competition?


Read Luke 9:10-17

  • According to verse 10, what was Jesus trying to do? What changed His plans? How did Jesus respond to this change of plans? '
  • Read Luke 5:16 & 6:12. Did Jesus set personal boundaries? Was He allowing those boundaries to be crossed by the crowd in Luke 9? Why or why not?
  • How do you balance your care for and ministry to others with the need to withdraw to quiet places with God? What happens if these things get out of balance?

Read Luke 9:28-36

  • What did Peter, James, and John do when they first went up the mountain to pray with Jesus? What happened in the meantime?
  • What was the first thing Peter did after he woke up? Was this an appropriate response? Why or why not?
  • Read Matthew 26:41. Why is it important for Jesus’ followers to stay alert? What do you do to stay spiritually alert?

Read Luke 9:46-50

  • Do Christians still compete to be the greatest? Can you offer any examples? How does our celebrity culture contribute to this problem?  
  • Many churches in the west act as if they are in competition with each other. Why do you think this is? How might Jesus respond to this problem?
  • How do these attitudes contradict the basic message of the Gospel? What should we do to protect ourselves and our churches from unhealthy competition?  


Is there someone you envy? What do you envy about that person? How often do you struggle with envy? What can you do this week to decrease the envy you feel? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.

Daily Reading

This week we will begin reading through the Gospel of Matthew along with some key Old Testament passages. Invite the Holy Spirit to prepare your heart and mind as we reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  

  • Day 1: Matthew 1
  • Day 2: Matthew 2
  • Day 3: Matthew 3
  • Day 4: Matthew 4
  • Day 5: Psalm 32
  • Day 6: Matthew 5
  • Day 7: Matthew 6

Think Deeper

  1. Do you believe Jesus came to establish a new religion or end all religions?
  1. Why was Jesus so interested in the destruction of Herod’s Temple? Why should it matter to us?
  1. Does Jesus save us from or through our trials? What is the difference?  

Suggested Reading

The Last Days According to Jesus by R.C. Sproul

The Day the Revolution Began by N.T. Wright

Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright

Check out these books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.