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Patrick Coats

The Same God!

October 6, 2024

We are delighted to welcome Rev. Patrick Coats as our guest speaker today. Patrick is a regional catalyst for the Florida Baptist Convention (FBC). In this role, Patrick engages, encourages, and supports the Kingdom work of Florida Baptist Churches in the East Region and across the State of Florida. Patrick’s previous roles include serving as the Black Multicultural Church Catalyst for FBC, a Church Planting Missionary with the North American Mission Board, the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Covenant Baptist Church in Homestead, Florida, as well as being an Assistant Pastor at Grace of God Baptist Church in Miami, and as a Minister of Music at New Life Baptist Church in Coral City. Patrick is originally from Miami. He and his wife, Archalena are the parents of adult children and now reside in Jacksonville.

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Hebrews 13:8


Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


What does it mean to be generous? Can a rich person be generous? Can a poor person be greedy? Other than what Jesus did for us on the cross, what is the greatest act of generosity you’ve ever known?


Read 1 Timothy 6:17

  • Who is Paul telling Timothy to address? What does Paul mean by “in this present world”?
  • How do you define “rich”? Are you rich? Do you think most people in our church would believe that this passage is written to them? Why or why not?
  • What two things are rich people not to do? How can wealth lead to arrogance? What is the opposite of arrogance? Where are the rich to place their hope?  
  • According to Paul, what does God richly provide? Have you experienced this provision?
  • Read Luke 18:22-25. What kept the rich young ruler from following Jesus? Where was his hope?

Read 1 Timothy 6:18-19

  • What does Paul command rich people to do? What are the consequences of doing this?
  • Read Matthew 6:19-24. Why do many Bible students believe this passage inspired Paul’s words in 1 Timothy 6:17-19? What else does this passage tell us about earthly wealth?
  • What is the “true life” Paul mentions at the end of verse 19? How does wealth deceive us into thinking it offers life?  
  • In celebration of Aspire’s 85th anniversary, we are launching 85 Days of Generosity today and running through December 29th. What makes a church generous?  


Are you rich? Why or why not? How do you exercise generosity? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: 1 Timothy 6
  • Day 2: Matthew 6
  • Day 3: Luke 18
  • Day 4: Acts 5
  • Day 5: Hebrews 13
  • Day 6: John 16
  • Day 7: Philippians 4

Think Deeper

  1. How do you define generosity? Why is generosity important?
  2. Who is the most generous person you’ve ever known?
  3. What is the most amazing act of generosity you’ve experienced?  

Suggested Reading

How to Be Rich, by Andy Stanley

The Paradox of Generosity, by Christian Smith  

The Generosity Factor, Ken Blanchard

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.

Other Sermons in this Series

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