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Gary Lee Webber

The Pursuit of Happiness

November 8, 2020

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While we can never achieve holiness in our own power, the way we choose to live and interact with the world is a powerful witness to what we truly believe about Jesus and His Kingdom. 


Matthew 5:3-14


Embrace your emptiness and experience God’s sufficiency (Matthew 5:3-6)

Live sacrificially for the sake of loving others (Matthew 5:7-12)


Be an agent for healing (Matthew 5:13)

Be a source of light (Matthew 5:14-16)

Daily Readings:

Day 1: Matthew 5
Day 2: 1 Peter 2
Day 3: Romans 12
Day 4: Romans 13
Day 5: Luke 9
Day 6: Psalm 2 and Psalm 46
Day 7: Philippians 2

Suggested Resources:


Before You Vote, by David Platt
The Myth of a Christian Nation, by Greg Boyd

Other sermon series (visit the sermon page):

Let Earth Receiver Her King (2016)
One Nation Under God (2012)

Resources on RightNow Media:

Culture Shock, by Chip Ingram
One, by Dennis Rouse