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Gary Lee Webber

No King but Jesus

September 15, 2024

Presidential candidates make a lot of promises. One may tell you he will solve the immigration issue, while the other claims to know how to resolve a centuries-long regional conflict. Most people realize that neither will be able to deliver on their promises. We instinctively know that our leaders are mortal, but that doesn’t keep us from trying to make them gods. Join us for Part 2, The US of America, where we explore the human desire for a once and future King who will bring about lasting peace for all the earth.

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We ##Resist## the King (Psalm 2:1-3)

We ##Receive## the King (Psalm 2:4-9)

We ##Rejoice## in the King (Psalm 2:10-12)


  1. You will be subject to your ##rightful## ##King## or to every ##imposter## who comes along.
  2. Jesus does not ##stand## ##with## the rulers of this world; He ##stands## ##over## them.
  3. As Christians, we must be more committed to the ##Kingdom## ##of## ##our## ##Lord## than to any ##kingdom## ##of## ##this## ##world##.


Ask yourself the distinctive Kingdom Question: How should I ##live##?

Small Group Questions

Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couple or family devotion, or with a small group.  


Could Jesus be elected president in 2024? Would He even run for office? Why or why not?


Read 1 Samuel 8:1-22

  • What was the people’s problem with Samuel’s sons (v. 3)? What was their problem with Samuel (v. 5)? Are these universal problems with worldly leaders? Do our current candidates for public office share these problems?
  • The Israelites didn’t just want a new leader; they wanted a new kind of leader. What type of leader did they want? How was this a rejection of God? What warning did God give them? How did they respond?  
  • How might God’s people make the same mistake today?

Read John 19:12-16

  • What veiled threat did the Jews make to Pilate (v. 12)? Were the people making this threat friends of Caesar?  What do the words “when Pilate heard these words” (v. 13) suggest about the effectiveness of this threat?
  • How did Pilate introduce Jesus (v. 14)? How did the crowd respond?  
  • Compare 1 Samuel 8:1-22 to John 19:12-19. How might the church in America make the same mistake as the Jews in John 19?

Read Matthew 20:20-28

  • What did Mrs. Zebedee want? What did she think it meant to sit at Jesus’ right and left side?
  • What does Jesus’ response tell us about positions of authority in God’s Kingdom? Is this teaching compatible with the power structures of the world? Why or why not?
  • How can the church apply Jesus’ words in Matthew 20:25-29 to our current political environment? How will you apply this teaching in the weeks leading up to the election?


How emotionally invested are you in the results of the upcoming election? Do you trust that God’s will prevails in every situation? What will you do this week to be a servant to others? Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.

Daily Reading

As you read each passage, look for connections to this week’s sermon and small group discussion. Invite the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Day 1: Deuteronomy 17
  • Day 2: Psalm 2
  • Day 3: 1 Samuel 8
  • Day 4: Isaiah 9
  • Day 5: Matthew 11
  • Day 6: Matthew 20
  • Day 7: John 19

Think Deeper

  1. When have you felt the need to “throw off the yoke” of an authority?  
  2. Describe your ideal president. Do you think such a person exists and would run for and win that office? Why or why not?
  3. What is more important to you, how someone votes or how they live?

Suggested Reading

The Myth of a Christian Nation, by Greg Boyd

Not In It to Win It, by Andy Stanley

Before You Vote: Seven Questions, David Platt

Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at https://bit.ly/AspireSMB.

Other Sermons in this Series

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