Man in the Mirror
August 6, 2023
The Psalms are the hymns of ancient Israel. Jesus and His disciples would have sung them in worship and as they traveled the dusty roads of ancient Palestine. Their words were even on the lips of Jesus as He hung on the cross. The lyrics that brought so much hope and joy to Jesus continue to inspire His followers today. Join us each Sunday in August as we listen to a mixtape of Psalms that call us to aspire for joy.
Psalm 4
Joy comes when our heart is ##undivided##, free of #bitterness, and wholly devoted to ##Christ##.
Perform a #ruthless ##examination## of your ##heart##.
- Do I have a ##divided## heart?
- Do I have a ##bitter## heart?
- Is my heart increasingly ##reflecting## the ##image## of its ##Maker##?
Small Group Questions
Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.
What is the premise of the 1999 movie The Matrix? What theological question did this movie explore?
Read Romans 9:1-5
- What is especially tragic about the Jewish people’s rejection of Jesus?
- What was the extent of Paul’s love for the Jewish people?
- Have you ever felt this way about someone who has rejected Christ?
Read Romans 9:6-18
- What two sets of brothers does Paul mention in this passage? Can you summarize these Old Testament stories? (See Genesis 16, 17, and 25)
- How do these stories relate to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ?
- How do you feel about God’s message to Moses and Pharoah and the conclusion Paul draws from those statements? (vs. 15-18)
- Read 2 Peter 3:9. Based on this verse, to whom does God desire to show His mercy? What will determine who will then benefit from God’s mercy?
Read Romans 9:19-33
- How is God’s glory magnified by creating “vessels of mercy and wrath?”
- Who did the Israelites assume were vessels of mercy, and who did they consider vessels of wrath? How does the quote from Hosea and Isaiah (vs. 25-29) affect how you understand this passage?
- Paul concludes with another quote from Isaiah (vs. 33); how does this quote resolve the question?
What would you say to someone who wasn’t assured of their salvation? How confident are you of your salvation? What makes you so sure? Talk about it, invite accountability, and take time to pray together.
Daily Reading
As you follow this week’s reading plan, invite the Holy Spirit to fill you with His joy regardless of circumstances.
- Day 1: Romans 9
- Day 2: Psalm 4
- Day 3: Psalm 8
- Day 4: Psalm 9
- Day 5: Psalm 16
- Day 6: Psalm 24
- Day 7: Psalm 29
Think Deeper
- Do you hold others responsible for your joy (or lack of it)?
- What is God’s greatest competition for your heart?
- Is your heart a better reflection of Jesus today than one year ago?
Suggested Reading
Reflections on the Psalms, by C. S. Lewis
The Songs of Jesus, by Tim Keller
Check out these and other books from our suggested reading list at