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Gary Lee Webber

A Sign of Becoming

July 25, 2021

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Belief is important, but belief alone is not evidence that someone is actively walking with Jesus. The ritual of baptism is, therefore, more than a sign of believing, it is also a tangible sign of a person’s willingness to follow Jesus in acts of obedience. Join us for part two of Ripple Effects where we explore the differences between a religious ritual and a life-changing encounter with God.

Passage (read it):

Principle (know it):

Baptism is a sign of becoming.

Baptism is a sign that our lives are being changed by what we believe.

Practice (do it):

Identify what has changed in you since beginning to follow Jesus. What still needs to be changed? What will it require of you to allow God to do a transformative work in you?

Daily Readings:

This week’s daily readings focus on the lives of people who had transformative encounters with God. As you read each passage, invite the Holy Spirit to prepare you for a transformative encounter with God.

Day 1: Genesis 12; Genesis 15
Day 2: 2 Kings 5
Day 3: Daniel 3-4
Day 4: John 4
Day 5: John 5
Day 6: Luke 19
Day 7: Philemon

Suggested Resources:


What is Baptism?by R.C. Sproul 
All the Bible Teaches About Baptism, by Jerome Goodwin 
I am a Church Member, by Thom Rainer 
Jesus of NazarethFrom Baptism to Transfiguration, by Joseph Ratzinger